
时间:2024-09-18 作者:储xy



if the journey of mind reading as words, so calmly really is the mostcritical. whatever you read what, all need to give yourself a few full time, aquiet atmosphere -- writing is individual behavior, reading and why not personalexperience? reading once in the calm state, is coupled to yuanren wuhui said,“as the shangyou ancient how”, that is to say, at this moment, the scholar hasmentally and the ancients photograph communication, phase communication, therebyedify, purification, raised his mind world.

if the essence of easy reading, however, but not everyone can ly, read this story and think two quite will tell. liuchengnorthern-southern dynasties have an academician, he called fromqingdenghuangjuan, studious, do not eat, sleep sitting hand book. can read backthe i ching, three years out, but they don't know the truth. on the surface,“read three years view the i ching” quiet, even enough, however, aestheticexperience, not sentimental sympathetic chord, natural, how to touch with easyreading above? with is reading, also pleased to recite dun, literature but calmenough. he can still expertly back out of 120 back in a dream of red mansionsmao dun on novels made great achievements, don't return after its calmlyreading, able to put the book knowledge into spiritual nourishment?

town calm set, the leisurely, afraid of study is the appeal of the that year, simawen male rev roll ”will start with a clean, and thenthrough the amanita cotton-padded mattress sitting, others“ night, ”book“rooting around lonely lamp, some thought ”reading in bed, furnace to smoke, fog,beside the bottles, such ability did edge to“ read flavor. so, i guess, from luxun histories are morality ”-- the word seam in, see this is written with“eating people ”two words, saw thousands of years history only two times, namelythe people want to be a slave and shall not do the era and temporarily steadilyslave era -- this ground-breaking of speech, is yishi is its eye farce, however,why not general with lu xun's a tea a smoke concomitant, in no hurrydeconstruction, flavorful analyzes relevant?

a man is really to do calmly reading, not treat reading as a soul, withoutgiving a duty entrusted to noble duanqingchun time thoughts and sincere words,that generally is no good. because i didn't want to calm people, since there aremany reasons can be, what world is too noisy ah, lively things too much ah,temptation is too strong, etc.? also no wonder ancient many readers always putthe sit-ins as required by the neo-confucianism, and reassure less-desiredthoughts. zhu xi warned readers said: “when sit-ins self-restraint, wasexperiencing thinking.” truth scaling cheng, “each see people sit, and then sighits good study.” yes, only break, mingjianglisuo stand loneliness, stand lure,can easy reading. in this sense, reading this is unconditional, it dependsentirely on self choice. take the french president francois mitterrand, hispolitics for decades, no matter how busy governmental affairs in two hours everyday, don't read books always night without anqin. president of a country itsbusy unguided understandably, its extent even can calmly reading, then we?

famous writer hanging ruzhijuan book reading “cooking the books”2 words banners. she said: “books, light see is no good, see a story that equalshuluntianzao, should intensive reading. however, return not enough, then cook '.'to' how cooking 'transformational, lucid.”

if the good books to friends, so one would not “cooking the books” person,sitting on a group of talented friends with, besides is among the puppet, anirony and a kind of torture and outside, and can what a book people said:“everyone is a god, and then have also olympus.” together say well swum ha!desire to make “god”, it might as well from “cooking the books” beginning, mightas well learn easy reading!

perhaps, we end life also can't close to calm state, however, advocatingcalmly quality process, no doubt has started calmly.










every one has his own hobbies. such as swimming, painting, playingbasketball. and my favorite activity is reading.

as we know, the books are the stairs that the human can take to moveforward. to read books, i can not only make my freetime be useful but also i canlearn a lot of knowledge which i can't learn from the class.

i read many kinds of books. i like the books no matter it is novel,classical, cartoons, computer or sports. in all the books, i like novels best,because the novels are the most similar as our real life. to read novels, i canget a lot of life experience and the realization of complex emotion.

in my mind, reading has already became an important part in my life, itmakes me forget the loneliness and brings me the happiness. my story, my life,this is the place where i'm storing me happiness.
























