雅思小作文分为哪几类 雅思a类和g类作文的区别篇一
这是中国学生的习惯性毛病,写作文时候总喜欢写上为什么。雅思小作文是客观性写作,只要求通过图表描述和总结,不能写上为什么,不需要解释。参照剑5 test 1中曲线图,日本在2030年左右65岁人口数量预计要陡增,但我们只要求写出事实,不要求写出陡增的原因!
在评分标准第二点中明确提到了coherence and cohesion(连贯与衔接),可见是一个相当重要的得分参考点。而很多中国学生的作文中充满了then, after, before等这样单调的低级连接词,最后的得分自然不会上去。合理的使用一些从句,关联词会使你的句子看起来更加精炼和有创意。
同学们在描写趋势的上升或下降的时候常常只用到了一个increase & decrease+副词的模式。殊不知对上升下降的描写我们可以采取至少三种的描写方式动词+副词,形容词+名词以及把上升下降的词换做形容词来使用。这也就正好避免了评分标准四grammatical range and accuracy(语法范围与精确)中的陷阱。
关于information的organizing 和paragraphing也是一个很重要的得分参照点。剑4 test3中是一张技工,本科,学士,研究生,硕士以及博士的男女数量分布图。很多同学在中间描述段的时候将其按照学位的排列顺序分成了六段来写,这又让你的.内容变得复杂和臃肿了!为何不按照性别来分段呢?只需要两段就可以将图表内容梳理清楚。所以建议大家在动笔之前首先在自己的头脑中有一个最为清晰和直观明了的分段。
the diagram below shows the average hours of unpaid work per week done by people in different categories.(unpaid work refers to such activities as childcare in the home, housework and gardening.)describe the information presented below,comparing results for men and women in the categories t reasons for what you see.*you should write at 150 words.*you should spend about 20 minutes on this diagram below shows the average hours of unpaid work per week done by people in different categories.(unpaid work refers to such activities as childcare in the home, housework and gardening.)describe the information presented below,comparing results for men and women in the categories t reasons for what you see.*you should write at 150 words.*you should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
model answer: the diagram reveals that the number of hours per week spent in unpaid work is unequally distributed between men and women. in households where there are no children, women are reported to work some 30 hours per week in such tasks as housework and gardening, men’s contribution to these unpaid jobs averages a considerably lower 18 hours. when children enter the household,however, the inequality becomes even more families of 1-2 children,men maintain approximately the same number of hours of unpaid work as in childless households, but the number of hours women work in the home rises to 52 per week,much of it,on doubt, due to chilcare responsibilities. interestingly,when there are three or more children in the household, men are found to work even fewer hours around the house the house than before the appearance of the third s women’s unpaid hours rise to approximately 56 per week,the corresponding figure for men,16,actually represents a decrease.