2023年高中英语必修二作文80字 高中英语必修二作文和翻译(汇总4篇)

时间:2024-09-14 作者:储xy


高中英语必修二作文80字 高中英语必修二作文和翻译篇一

survive sb by…… 比 ….. 多活 …..

survive on sth 靠 …. 生存

survive from 从 …… 幸存或流传下来

2. be valuable to…. =be of value to …… 对 ….. 有价值

sb/sth 搜查 ….

search sb for sth 为 …. 搜 ….. 的身

search for 寻找 …..

4. in search of 寻找 ….

in need of 需要 ….. in place of 代替 ….. in fear of 担心,害怕 in charge of 掌握,负责 infavor of 支持,赞同 in memory of /in honor of 为了纪念 ……

amazed at/by/that…. 对 ……. 感到惊讶

sb to do sth 选择 …… 做 …..

select….from….. 从 …. 中挑选

7. be designed for 为 … 而设计

be designed as 设计成 …..

choose from/between 从 ….. 选择

by design=on purpose 故意地 in design 在设计上

a fancy to do sth 喜欢 …….

fancy doing sth 喜欢做 …… (归纳只接 doing 做宾语的相关动词)

mind/miss, enjoy/escape/excuse, prevent/practice, suggest, consider keepon, avoid/admit/appreciate, risk/resist, finish/forbid/fancy, imagine/can’thelp( 忍不住,禁不住做某事 )

9. out of style 过时 in style ; 流行,盛行

10. decorate sth with...... 用 …… 装饰 …

11. in return 作为回报 in time 及时 in ruins 在废墟中 in silence 沉默地

i n short 简而言之 in danger 处于危险中 in trouble 处于困境中 in need 需要

i n case 以防万一 in surprise 惊讶地 in fact 事实上 in evidence 显而易见地

sth from … 把 … 从 … 移开 / 去掉

:prep 相当于 …. 价值的,值得的。

be worth +n 值 ….

sth be worth doing …… 值得被做 ……

be worth it ……. 是值得的

worthwhile :adj 值得做的 / 值得花的

it’s worthwhile to do sth/ doing sth …… 值得做某事 / 做 …. 是值得的

worthy :adj 有价值的,配得上的,应得的

be worthy of +n 应得某物

sth be worthy of being done 某事值得被做 /=sth be worthy to be done

apart 拆开 take away 拿走 take out 拿出,取出

apart from 除 ….. 以外(别无其他) =except

除 …... 之外(还有) =besides

could never have imagined that….. (某人无法想象 ( 过去 )…… )

made (not) to do….. 被迫(不)做某事

17 . have/has sth done……. (把 …… 做成 ….. )

18. what happened to sb (发生在某人身上的事情);

what sb/sth look(s) like( 某人、某物的样子 )=what sb/sth is(are) like ;

what sb/sth used to be like( 某人、某事过去的样子 ) ;

what sb can do 某人能(会)做的事情;

what sb thought ( 某人所想的事情 ) ;

is a time when …….( 这是一个 …… 的时代 )

there is a time when …….( 有一个 ….. 时代 ) ;

20. there is no doubt that …… (毫无疑问 …… 或 …… 是毫无疑问的);

there is some doubt whether …(… 是有些疑问的 ) , 句中的 whether 不能换成 if;

it is +n/adj/done+that …… 是主语从句如:

it is reported that…… 据报道 ….. ;

it is said that……. 据说 ….

it is believed that…… 有人认为 …..

it is proved that ….. 事实证明 ……

it is good news that he passed the exam. 他通过了考试是好消息。

it is no wonder that he passed the exam. 他通过了考试是不足为奇的。

21. to one’s +n( 令 …. 的是 ) 名词可以是 surprise/sadness/joy/excitement/等抽象名词。

oneself 单独地,独自地 for oneself 亲自地,靠自己的力量;

highly/much /wellof 看重,器重 ….

s peak highly/well /much of…. 高度赞扬 ….

24. return …..to…. 把 …. 归还给 …..


高中英语必修二作文80字 高中英语必修二作文和翻译篇二

christmas is on december, and now it is celebrated by people in the west. it is an important festival for them. how do they celebrate christmas? they have a special party.

they usually start at 7:00 . they all wear new beautiful clothes. at the party, everyone looks cool and beautiful.

they sit on the sofa and chat. women often sing and dance, eat a lot of sweets and drink some hot juice, children can get a lot of their favorite christmas presents (my trip). last year, i went to beijing by train, i had a good time, because there are many scenic spots there, the great wall is very beautiful and i like it, so i took a lot of photos and then went to tiananmen square.

i went to beijing hutong, people were very friendly to me, i was very excited about this trip, but i never went there when i was old, i wanted to go to hong kong by plane (an interesting swimming competition). my family all like sports, dad. my mother and i go out to exercise in our spare time almost every day.

yesterday we went to the swimming pool, where there was a swimming competition. my father swam too fast. i won the first place, i got the second place, and my mother was the last.

if i continue to practice, i believe i will surpass my father one day.




高中英语必修二作文80字 高中英语必修二作文和翻译篇三

look out, there are only concave ground skin, large swaths of forest are cut down, become peoples life wood products. people have been displaced by herds of animals for their own sake. its not a false fantasy, its a bloody fact.

once upon a time, many animals and plants in the world were destroyed, and so many animals and plants were endangered. why? this is all because human beings are cutting trees and destroying the ecological environment, which is the root cause.

land resource is one of the three major geological resources (mineral resources, water resources, land resources) and is the most basic resource and labor object of human production activities. human land use degree reflects the development of human civilization, but also cause direct damage to the land resources, the main show is unreasonable reclamation plant caused by soil erosion, land desertification, soil secondary salinization and soil pollution, soil and water loss is particularly serious, but facing the world today and a serious crisis. it is estimated that the amount of topsoil in the worlds arable land is about 23 billion tons per year.

some argue that acid rain is a silent crisis, and the worst environmental threat weve ever seen, an invisible enemy. this is not alarmist. as industrialisation and energy consumption increase, acid emissions are also increasing, and they enter the air, forming acid rain through a series of functions.

although the red tide has been around since ancient times, with the rapid development of industrial and agricultural production, water pollution is becoming more and more serious, and the red tide is becoming more and more serious. since the first report in 1933, there have been 194 large-scale red tides since 1994, including only four in the 1960s and 157 in 1990. oil pollution is very harmful to water quality and aquatic life. the oil that floats on the surface of the water can quickly spread, forming an oil film, which prevents the surface from contacting with air, and reduces the dissolved oxygen in water. oil contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which can be harmful to human health after the accumulation of aquatic organisms. sulfur dioxide is mainly produced by burning fuels such as coal and fuel, followed by nature, such as volcanic eruptions and forest fires. sulfur dioxide is strongly irritant to the conjunctiva and upper respiratory tract of the human body, but can be damaged by inhalation tube and can cause bronchitis, pneumonia and even pulmonary edema respiratory paralysis. in the short term, the mortality rate of the elderly or chronic patients with the concentration of air is higher and the concentration is higher than mg/m3, which can aggravate the condition of the respiratory diseases. the number of people with prolonged exposure to mg/m3 of air was increased. in addition, sulfur dioxide can cause corrosion, peeling, fading and damage to metal materials, housing construction, cotton spinning fabrics, leather paper and other products. it can also turn yellow or even die.

protecting the environment is everyones responsibility.

高中英语必修二作文80字 高中英语必修二作文和翻译篇四

1. compete with/against sb (for sth) 为 …. 与某人竞争

compete in 在 …. 竞争

compete for….. 为 … 竞争

2. take part in sth 参与 ….. 活动

attend sth 出席 / 参加 …..

join sb in sth 在某项活动中参加到某人所在的那方

join in sth 参加某活动

join sth 参加某组织、团体等

3. stand for 代表

stand up for 支持,维护

stand out 突出,显眼

stand by 支持,袖手旁观

4. interview sb about sth 就某事采访某人

interview sb for a job 对某人进行面试

give an interview 接受采访

5. volunteer to do sth 自愿 / 主动提出做某事

volunteer for sth 自愿为 ….. 做某事

6. used to do sth 过去常常做某事

didn’t use to do sth 过去不做某事

be/get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事

be used to do sth 被用与做某事

regular bus 班车

a regular customer 常客,老顾客

lead a regular life 过上有规律的生活

normal temperature 正常体温

an ordinary worker 一位普通工人

the basis of economy 以经济为基础

on the base of the building 房子的地基

(to) doing sth 承认做了某事

admit sb to be +n/adj 承认某人是 ….

admit that…… 承认 … …

admit sb/sth to into sth 准许某人 / 某物进入 …..

sb be admitted to/into …… 某人被 ….. 录取

sb to do sth=sb be allowed to do sth 允许某人做某事

a llow doing sth 允许做某事

a llow for sth 考虑到 ….

well 肯定句末尾;too 肯定句末尾;either 否定句末尾;also 行为动词前助动词之后;

so+ 助词 + 主语 主语也 ……( 一件事 )

nor/neither+ 助词 + 主语 主语也不 …… (一件事)

so it is/was with sb 多件事也 ……

it is/was the same with 多件事也 …..

so + 主语 + 助词;nor/neither + 主语 + 助词(表示强调 “ 的确 ” )

on responsibilities 承担责任

have/take responsibility for….. =be responsible for….. 对 …. 负责

13. replace ….with/by…. 用 …. 替换 / 取代 ….

replace sth sp 把某物放回原处

take one’s place =take the place of 代替 …..

in place of =instead of sb/sth 代替 / 顶替

+ 序数词 /+ 单数名词;每隔 …..

every + 基数词 + 复数名词;

every second day=every two days 每隔一天 / 每两天

every + few + 复数名词;

every +other + 单数名词;

every other day=every few days 每隔几天 / 每几天

15. that/this is why….. 那 / 这是为什么 …. 的原因

that is why they refused to do so. 那就是他们拒绝为什么那么做的原因。

this/that is because …. 这 / 那是因为 …..

that is because she didn’t catch the regular bus. 那是因为她没有赶上班车 .

….as 与 …. 一样

as+adj +a/an + 单数名词 +as 一样 … 的 ……

a s beautiful a building as 一样漂亮的房子

as +many + 复数名词 +as 一样多的 ….

a s many friends as 一样多的朋友

as much + 不可数名词 +as 一样多的 ….

a s much money as 一样多的钱

17. in charge of 负责 / 掌管 …..

in the charge of 被 ….. 掌管 / 由 ….. 负责

take charge of 负责 / 掌管 ….. charge sb with (doing)sth 因 …. 控告某人

in front of 在 ….. 前面 in the front of 在 …. 前部

in control of 控制 …. in the control of 在 ….. 的控制之下 / 被 … 控制

sth 宣传某事;advertise for sb 登广告招聘 ….

late/early 晚婚、早婚

marry sb =get married to sb 与某人结婚(表示动作)

be married to sb 与某人结婚(表示状态)

marry a to b 把 a 嫁给 b, 或让 a 与 b 结婚

(sb) to do sth 答应(某人)做什么

promise sb sth = promise sth to sb 答应某人某事

up 捡起,搭载,学会;

pick out 挑选,辨别出;

pick off 去除 pick over 仔细挑选

after another 陆续地,一个接一个地;

one and the same 同一个;

one by one 逐一地,逐个地;

one and all 各位,大家。

+sth 值得,应得;

deserve to do …… 应该做 ….

sth deserve doing =sth deserve to be done ….. 值得被做

more ….,the more ….. 越 ….. 越 ……

the more you speak english, the better your english will become.

the + 比较级 +of the two +n. 两个 … 中较 … 的那个。

25. 强调句 it is/was ……that/who …. 被强调的成份是“人”时,引导词用 who 或 that;被强调的成份不是“人”是“物”时,引导词用 that.


    2023年音乐义工心得体会总结 义工总结心得体会(汇总12篇)


















