2023年美国大学留学申请书 美国留学申请表5篇(模板)

时间:2025-03-31 作者:储xy


美国大学留学申请书 美国留学申请表篇一

hello! i am from a middle school. you can take time out of your busy scheduleto read my application for studying abroad. i am deeply grateful andhonored!

i like sports, especially basketball. in elementary school, he alsoparticipated in the school martial arts team and received five years of basicmartial arts training. i also like swimming and board games.

after middle school, i have a natural fondness for mathematics and atics helps me pursue the prudence of thinking and rigorous logic, andimproves my ability to analyze and solve problems with mathematical knowledge asa carrier. english learning has enabled me to constantly understand the colorfulworld of the world. in the high school entrance examination, he got a perfectscore in mathematics and entered the no. 1 gao hongzhi class in sanmenxia with589 points. in high school, i worked hard to consolidate the basic knowledge ofvarious subjects. at the same time, i used my spare time to read a lot of booksand participate in various basketball games. i learned to challenge myself incompetition, appreciate others in cooperation, and constantly enrich myself inall aspects. the lesson of 553 points in the college entrance examination taughtme what it means to be down-to-earth, what is not to be vain, what is to bemodest and prudent, what is to learn from each other... i am an optimistic youngperson, love life, and not afraid of adversity. i firmly believe that mycontinuous efforts will enable me to achieve my dream of success.

_it is china’s oldest financial institution with the longest history, withthe school motto of “being virtuous and knowledgeable, economic time”, and thespirit of striving to govern, forging ahead, and development philosophy. _students’ introverted and stable minds are deeply imprinted in my heart, seekingtruth from facts, being pragmatic and pragmatic. being diligent, entering thecoveted shanghai university of finance and economics, being a student of _ willbe the pride of my life.

_the style of study is strong, if i can be lucky enough to enter _study, iwill learn every subject step by step. i hope i can continue my studies aftergraduating from university. i implore the leaders of your school to accept myapplication and realize my ideals.




__year month day

美国大学留学申请书 美国留学申请表篇二

program applied: marketing management

in a highly competitive environment, the ability to create competitive edgesover one's adversaries and to achieve ultimate victory in fierce competitionsdepends not so much on materials resources as on the mental factors ofintelligence and concepts. those concepts that can lead to new visions andperspectives and those approaches that can effectively solve problems will havethe greatest value. the overriding factor which ensures the eventualmaterialization of new concepts and gives rise to effective approaches ismanagement. as a branch of applied science, the science of management hascrucial value not only for developing countries like china which are makinguttermost efforts to catch up with the developed countries, but also for theleading multinational giants in the developed countries themselves. for a personlike me who has decided to pursue marketing management as my career objective,to sharpen my intellectual caliber, to understand the essence of management andto grasp important skills of management have become my greatest aspiration.

as a master's student specializing in marketing and enterprise strategies, iam very proud to report that i have made some encouraging research the two research papers that i wrote concerning strategic development ofenterprises-enterprise strategic alliance based on resource complementarity andthe strategic orientation and countermeasures for chinese enterprises ininternational operations in the new millennium, the former has been published byeconomic tribune in sept. 20__ and the latter has been accepted for publicationby china economists in feb. 20__. these two research papers are the fruition ofmy active involvement in a research project named study on chinese enterprises'cooperation-competition models in hyper-competitive conditions, which issponsored by china state natural science foundation (foundation project no.70140132)。 another paper entitled brand marketing: a competitive mode on ahigher level in modern economics has been published by contemporary finance& economics in november this year. those research achievements canunmistakably indicate my tremendous potential to perform much more ambitiousresearches in my future degree program and i am determined to develop thispotential to the fullest extent.

i completed my four-year systematic studies in engineering and managementscience as an undergraduate at the school of economics and management, beijinguniversity of aeronautics and astronautics. it is precisely this undergraduateeducation that has reinforced my determination to pursue marketing management asmy lifelong career. although as an undergraduate my understanding of somecourses cannot be described as profound (some might even be said to be rathersuperficial), my learning of those courses nevertheless widened my ken ofknowledge and broadened my vision.

in order to further enrich myself, i availed myself of every opportunity ofacademic exchange both on campus and off campus. i shuttled among pekinguniversity, central finance and economics university, and china renminuniversity on my bicycle in order to attend lectures delivered by the country'sleading scholars and entrepreneurs. those lectures constituted an importantsupplement to my in-class training because they were immediately connected withthe realities of chinese society. i also benefited importantly from myextracurricular activities. as minister of the department of social practices ofthe school's students union, i planned and organized the school's festival ofthe art of management. i also canvassed pepsi company to sponsor ouruniversity's basketball league match. in launching those activities, i improvedmy organizational and managerial skills. in retrospection, my undergraduateprogram was most strengthened by my self-conscious attention to various appliedsubjects-higher mathematics, statistics and probability, linear algebra,operations research, etc. it can be said that my undergraduate education (inwhich my overall scholastic performance ranked top 4th in my class consisting of30 students) enabled me to make some basic preparations in theoretical knowledgeand in the application of mathematical tools.

from sept. 1998 to april 20__, my employment with hisense group in qingdaocity, shandong province (one of the largest manufacturers of electricalappliances in china) was a major opportunity to practice what i had learned. thesecond year i joined the group, the most fierce price warfare happened tochina's electrical appliances industry. manufacturers reduced the prices oftheir products to unprecedented low levels in order to maximize their marketshare. as an act of market competition, the marketing department where i workedlaunched traveling expositions of hisense products. as one of the four keypersonnel of the department, i planned and organized a series of exhibitions inmost major cities in china. our one-year efforts achieved remarkable marketeffects. in shijiazhuan city, for instance, of a total of 30 brands, our salesof televisions and air conditioners accounted for 24% and 18% respectively in20__. in that year's performance evaluation, i was awarded the group's modelemployee.

my understanding of marketing was enriched and modified by my 2-yearpractical work experience. to me, marketing was not merely composed of suchelements as product designing, promotion through advertising, pricing models,and distribution channels. it also encompassed the analysis of the behavior bothof your competitors and of consumers, studies in organization behavior, brandmanagement, and decision-makings. believing that a more systematic educationwould contribute to a more successful career, i went back to my alma mater inseptember 20__ and went on with a master's program in engineering and managementscience in order to gain knowledge on a higher professional level, to follow themost updated academic information, and to improve my managerial caliber.

backed by my work experience, my academic focus became better-defined and iwas more self-motivated in my studies. with a comprehensive coursework coveringadvanced mathematical planning, decision-making strategies, managementstatistics, and fuzzy mathematics, i achieved obvious improvement in theoreticalknowledge and in the application of tools. i developed broader perspectives andwas able to conduct my research from more advanced professional levels. mythesis, entitled a study of enterprises' strategic alliances based on ananalysis of resource complementarity, presented a wholly novel explanation ofcorporate alliances from the perspective of resource integration, a perspectivewhich differed fundamentally from the conventional view held by most scholarswhich explained the necessity and justification of corporate alliance from theangle of transaction cost and value chain.

instead of feeling contented with my high gpa for the master's program (3.6),i have come to realize how much there is still for me to learn in the field ofmanagement, especially in marketing. most universities in china treat marketingpurely as a theoretical course, with neither case analysis nor opportunities forstudents to practice the theories they have learned. in terms of curriculum,studies in marketing psychology and individual behavior have hardly beenundertaken. moreover, the lack of analytical tools has resulted in insufficientanalysis of the market feedback. realizing that such deficiencies can scarcelybe overcome within a short period of time, i believe that a more successfulcareer must be pursued through a ph.d. program outside china, ideally in afirst-rate university in the united states.

with my undergraduate and graduate background in engineering and managementscience, i would like to focus on one of the following areas in your m: a. marketing management; b. behavioral approaches to marketing orconsumer behavior; and c. channels of distribution. i have also drawn up mytentative career objective. i will complete my doctoral program by undertakingextensive researches and carrying out some specific projects. after obtaining mydegree, i will seek some teaching experiences in an american university whilecontinuing with advanced researches on the latest research topics. in this way ican keep developing my academic aptitudes. after accumulating sufficientteaching and research experience, i will seek a teaching position in aprestigious university in china where i will share with my future students andcolleagues my research findings and the knowledge i have acquired in the unitedstates. i hope to develop myself ultimately into a leading specialist inmarketing and management who can contribute to bringing chinese scholarship inthis field onto a more advanced level.

cmu's ph.d. program in computer science is heavily integrated with researchactivities and is designed to nurture people with raw talent and intellect in anenvironment which permits them thorough immersion in research and program promises to produce well-educated researchers and future leaders incomputer science. i am very excited over this wonderful vision because such aprogram offers me a basis to translate my dreams into realities. without such aprogram, many of my dreams will remain mere fantasies.

美国大学留学申请书 美国留学申请表篇三

dear teacher:


my name is ___, and i am a student of ___middle school___. i and i have read"moonlight in the lotus pond" when i was young. the vast moonlight quietly fallsdown, and the lotus leaf pavilion in the field is standing, and the beautifulscenery like a dream has left a deep impression on me. from then on, the simple,elegant and rich cultural heritage took root in my heart and became a sacredplace for my dreams.

_i value all-round development of talents, so in my daily study of varioussubjects, i have been steadily playing and performing well, and i have beenamong the best in all previous examinations.

in terms of competition: won the first prize of shaanxi division in the __thnational biology olympiad for middle school students in 20__ and representedshaanxi in the national finals and won the silver medal. in the 20__ nationalleague, won the first prize of shaanxi division in mathematics and chemistrysecond prize. here i want to talk about the experience of participating in thenational biology competition during the summer vacation. when i came to wuhanno. 2 middle school, with my smile and affinity, i met friends from all over thecountry, chatted with each other, and shared ideals; i understood the outerbuilding of qingshanlou outside the mountain. compared with the elites in thecountry, i still have a lot of places. i need to improve; i have learned thateven if i encounter setbacks, i never give up. it is more important to adjust mymentality to meet the next challenge... all of these are precious experiencesthat i will never forget in my life, and they have also given me a deeperunderstanding_" the school motto of "keep on striving for self"

i have a wide range of hobbies: although i am a science student, i am veryinterested in history and humanities knowledge. in my spare time, i like towatch the "hundreds of forums" and watch the chinese learning knowledge conteston tv, and i intend to improve my comprehensive literacy. i used to studychinese painting when i was a child. i like to write letters and ink on my life.i like the distant and transcendence of "landscape drags thousands of milesaway"; i also learned the guzheng, and i like to pick and pick on the twenty-onestringed piano. i like "high mountain and flowing water" to meet and hate late,like "chunjiang huayueye" graceful sadness; in junior high school, i went tolearn taekwondo, i like to listen to the crisp sound of kicking the target withmy legs breaking through the air. taekwondo spirit-courtesy, justice and shame,patience and self-denial, unyielding-is firmly engraved in the heart andpracticed.

my ideal: i have liked seeing all kinds of buildings since i was young. thefirst light of every solar day in the temple of abu simbel, the towering spiresof notre dame cathedral, and the sails of the sydney opera house all make medeeply fascinated. i hope to become a member of the department of architectureand form my own unique architectural style, so as to realize my ultimatedream-to participate in the design of the china pavilion at the future worldexpo, and let the world see the elegance of china!

i like tagore's poem: "the sky does not leave traces of birds, but i haveflown." for my dream-_, i have accumulated strength for many years, waiting forthe moment of thin hair. no matter what the result is, at least i have workedhard for my dream and for my life, then i will never regret it. perhaps when ithink of the experience of this period when i am pale and gray, i will alsosmile for my persistence at the beginning and the determination to break theboat when i was young.

"there will be times when the winds and waves break, and the sails will behung up on the clouds to help the sea." _ yuan, wait for me!




__year month day

美国大学留学申请书 美国留学申请表篇四

dear examiner:


i am honored to have the opportunity to submit my application for studyingabroad to you.

i was born in a teacher’s home. my mother was an excellent elementary schoolteacher. my father was and was a teacher. later, he experienced the secondchoice in his life and was admitted to the court and became a judge. my parents'enthusiasm for life and their attitude towards life's setbacks affect me subtly,forming my character of self-improvement and not giving up easily.

the lessons of the senior high school entrance examination taught me what itmeans to be down-to-earth, what is not to be vanity, what is humility andprudent, what is to learn from each other's weaknesses... for three years inhigh school, i worked hard to consolidate the basic knowledge of the subject,master the learning methods, and improve the practical ability of operation. atthe same time, i use my spare time to study a lot of books extensively, whichnot only enriches myself, but also develops my own skills in many aspects. therigorous style of study in yiling middle school has shaped my simple and steadylearning attitude. more importantly, in such a place where elites gather, i havelearned to challenge myself in competition and appreciate others in by step, i have tasted the joy of success: my performance has risen year byyear, and i have seen the infinite potential hidden in my body. it made mebelieve that if i give me a fulcrum, i can also lift up the whole earth!

i have the following reasons for choosing_university:

first, the university is a comprehensive key university directly under theministry of education, with a graduate school, undergraduate majors coveringscience, engineering, liberal arts, economics, management, law, education andother disciplines. it is a solid academic institution. a university with basicand rigorous academic traditions and a beautiful campus environment. in such alearning environment, i will benefit a lot in terms of knowledge and ability orpersonal quality.

the second is _ the university is a work-oriented university, which is inline with my subject interests. i am a science student, especially inmathematics and physics. this time, my mathematics teacher and physics arerecommended for independent enrollment. teacher. i like learning in such anautonomous and open environment, hoping to have a broader prospect fordevelopment.

the third is that the university adheres to the talent training plan of"thick foundation, wide-ranging, strong ability, and high quality", focuses onthe cultivation of innovative ability in teaching, and focuses on improving thecomprehensive quality of students. the university has implemented a series ofnew teaching reform measures including: famous teachers on the platform project,chinese and english bilingual teaching project, "innovative talent training"project, undergraduate and master's continuous reading system, etc., there arealso a series of perfect credit system management systems, including major andminor system, flexible academic system, second degree system, and excellencestudent training system, etc.

nowadays, many college students are facing difficulties in obtainingemployment after graduation. this is something i cannot avoid in the future, buti think this is a problem of adapting to society. the university is a uniqueplace where you can contact and experiment in many fields, and it is a platformto communicate with society. i hope here to master life skills, cultivate my ownsocial role, so that i can assume social responsibilities, rights andobligations, and become a real social person.

the current technological development can be said to be changing with eachpassing day. my study is to master the most basic learning tools and methods. inthe future, i will use these tools and methods to learn new things. we can'trely on the knowledge we learned in the university to maintain our life. if wedon't study it anymore, we will still fall behind. therefore, what major tostudy in an undergraduate course cannot completely determine the direction ofwork after graduation. i hope to choose the major that suits me based on mysubject expertise, but i don't care too much about the professional trend, and iabsolutely obey the school to make professional adjustments based on mysituation.

regardless of whether you choose me or not, respectable leader, i hope youcan accept my sincere gratitude! autonomous enrollment is only an matter whether this opportunity is favored by me, i will not be discouraged.i will go all out to prepare for the college entrance examination and meetrainbow in june (my june is not black)!



self reference:


美国大学留学申请书 美国留学申请表篇五

respected teachers of central south university:

hello! my name is zhang lei and i come from dingshu high school in yixing,jiangsu province (provincial four-star key high school). you may take time outof your busy schedule to read my self-recommendation letter. i am grateful andlucky.

central south university is an advanced institution with beautiful scenery,and it is also an institution of higher learning with abundant talents. i amfascinated by her splendid and magnificent surface, and admire her richconnotation and deep cultural heritage-i, looking forward to becoming a memberof your school. i am eager to walk on the path of central south university nextyear and indulge in the strong scholarly fragrance in the air.

i grew up in dingshu town, yixing, jiangsu, which is a famous historical andcivilized town in jiangsu, china's pottery capital, home of purple clay pot,home of teaching, and home of calligraphy and painting. it has a long culturalheritage and a strong style of writing. upholding the search for culture, ilearned go and fell in love with him deeply. in a world with obvious black andwhite, there is an ancient dialectical and mellow thinking scheme, a mentalgrind that commands a decisive victory over a thousand miles, and a test ofwinning or losing that is one-off and all losers. the joyfulness and verticalityon the chessboard are the events that have the greatest impact on me. the kindof immersion in it, luck in it, meticulous planning, and thorough questioningdescribe my career and learning in depth.

the flowers are arranged in clusters, just wait for the first thunder. underthe shaping of the go culture, i tried my best to dominate the "colorful red",just to wait for the first thunder that belongs to me in the independentenrollment. or the thunder at the time of birth gave me a good voice and a goodquality of being calm and calm. i love broadcasting and hosting, and i love touse my voice to string together outstanding programs. three years in junior highschool and three years in high school. i, as the host, witnessed the brillianceand youth on the stage in almost every school art performance. the prince ofbroadcasting is always my campus name.

love go, love broadcasting, in fact i also love to learn. since entering thisfour-star high school, i have been ranked in the top three in every test,especially my science subject, which has been praised by teachers andclassmates. of course, they praised me not only because of my good achievements,but also because i will share my learning methods and victory lessons witheveryone, so that every classmate around me can take every step of theirlearning well. when it’s critical, we can laugh together! however, in mylearning game, the english corner is not very strong, but fortunately, i haveworked hard to build momentum, and the results are first obvious.

i have a soft spot for the metallurgical major of your school. i am lookingforward to entering your school and playing the chess of my life on a largerboard in my favorite major. in short, study exhaustively, both offensive anddefensive; in life, use black and white as the background to portray a wonderfulpicture; in development, carefully layout, focus on the long-term, and useprofessionalism to break aspirations and serve the country.

i hope to hear the good news in the coming year, and hope that the autumnwill be like zhongnan. i have the arrogance to answer the strict screening ofyour school.

respectfully, i wish the teacher a smooth life, and i wish your school asmooth year!

self-sponsor: zhang lei

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