
时间:2024-10-01 作者:储xy



the forbidden city, also known as the forbidden city, is the imperialpalace of ming and qing dynasties in china. it is the largest and most completeancient wooden structure building group in the world. it began in the fourthyear of yongle in the ming dynasty (1406 ad) and took 14 years to complete. atotal of 24 emperors successively ascended the throne and ruled china for morethan 500 years.

now in front of us is the magnificent ancient palace - the forbidden see, these four walls are palace walls, and there are tall gates on allsides of the palace walls. wuwu gate is in the south, donghua gate is in theeast, and xihua gate is in the west. the turrets of the four "gates" of thepalace walls are unique in style and beautiful in shape. now, please come withme to the taihe hall, the largest palace in the forbidden city. this is theplace where the emperors of ming and qing dynasties summoned officials, issuedorders and held celebrations. there are 11 rooms in the hall, 5 rooms in depthand pillars outside. the inside and outside of the hall is 14 meters high, 63meters wide and 2377 square meters in area. it is the largest wooden hall inchina.

now we come to zhonghe hall. zhonghe hall is a place for the emperor toexercise etiquette on his way to taihe hall.

baohe hall was the place where the emperor entertained the princes andnobles of foreign vassals and the military ministers in beijing.

let's take a look at wenhua hall. it is the reading office of the crownprince of the ming dynasty. qianqingmen is the boundary between the imperialcourt and the imperial court, from which the imperial court is located to thenorth. the palace of the qing dynasty was the place where the ming and qingemperors lived. do you know that the tv series huanzhu gege was shot by theforbidden city.

well planned, magnificent and magnificent, this is the forbidden city ofour country. no matter in the plane layout, the three-dimensional effect and theform of majestic, grand, solemn, harmonious all belong to incomparablemasterpiece. it marks china's long cultural tradition and shows the outstandingachievements in architectural art more than 500 years ago.

ladies and gentlemen, today's tour is coming to an end. i'm very happy tohave a wonderful time with you. if you are not satisfied with my tour guidetoday, please correct me. have a good time! thank you.


dear tourists

hello, everyone. welcome to beijing summer palace with me. my name is wusiyu. you can call me director wu; children can call me sister wu; if you wantto be more direct, you can call me "wu siyu".

the summer palace is located in haidian district, northwest suburb ofbeijing, 15 kilometers away from the urban area of beijing. it is a large-scalenatural landscape garden built on the basis of kunming lake and wanshoumountain, based on the west lake landscape of hangzhou, absorbing some designtechniques of jiangnan gardens, gongyu garden, covering an area of about 290hectares and artistic conception. it is also the most complete preserved royalgarden. the summer palace is the largest and best preserved royal garden inchina. it is one of the four famous gardens in china (the other three arechengde's summer resort, suzhou's humble administrator's garden and suzhou'slingering garden). known as the royal garden museum. in addition, i would liketo remind you that you must not litter, especially on the lake.

the main building in the summer palace is the buddhist pavilion onlongevity hill. the foxiang pavilion is built on a square platform with a heightof 21 meters; the pavilion is 40 meters high, with eight faces, three floors andfour eaves; there are eight giant iron pear optimus in the pavilion, with a verycomplex structure, which is a classic architectural boutique. cloisters andcorner pavilions are common forms of gardens.

the length of the promenade of the summer palace is about 728 meters, whichis the longest in the world. there are more than 14000 pictures on the corridor,all of which are traditional stories or flowers, birds, fish and insects. on theeast bank of kunming lake, the eight corner double eaves are like pavilions,which is also the largest in china. in addition, the beamless hall on the top ofwanshou mountain is built with bricks and stones, without a single support, sothe technical level is very high.

kunming lake used to be a natural lake formed by many springs in thenorthwest suburb of beijing. it used to be named qililo lake and dapo lake. thepredecessor of kunming lake is wengshanpo, which is named wengshanpo becausewanshou mountain was named wengshan. wengshan park is located in the westernsuburb of beijing, also known as the west lake. kunming lake is as quiet as amirror and green as a jasper. boats and boats glide slowly across the 's almost no trace left. looking to the east, you can see some old towersand white pagodas.

thank you very much for visiting the summer palace with me. now we can finda hotel to stay here for one night. if you want to visit other places, you cancontinue to visit. goodbye!


dear tourists

hello everyone! welcome to badaling scenic spot for sightseeing. i am veryhappy to accompany you to visit today. i hope you can have a good time inbadaling.

the great wall is one of the most famous wonders in the world. it is like agiant dragon in the vast land of northern china. it is not only thecrystallization of the blood law of the ancient chinese working people, but alsothe symbol of ancient chinese culture and the pride of the chinese nation.

tourists, we have come to the famous badaling great wall. if you look at itfrom a distance, you can see that the great wall here is divided into south andnorth peaks, winding on the ridge. the scenery is very spectacular. lookingdown, there are two door openings and a u-shaped city wall. there were crenelson both sides of the wall to resist the enemy. if the enemy breaks through thegate and rushes into the city, he will be surrounded and annihilated by thegarrison on all sides, and the enemy will fall into the urn. wengcheng is animportant part of the great wall. it is generally built on the roads withdangerous terrain. the urn in badaling is no exception. built on the ridge,restricted by the terrain, it is low in the east and high in the west, narrow inthe east and wide in the west, only 5000 square meters. there is no well in theurn city, and there is a lack of water. usually, there are not many troopsstationed in the urn city. the garrison is stationed in chadao city, three milesnorthwest. there is a "chayuan mansion" in the central plains of wengcheng,which is for the emperor to stay or officials to stay. the distance between thetwo gates of the urn is 63. at 9 meters, the lintel of the west gate bears thetitle of "lock key at the north gate". i have already explained its purpose. onthe gate hole, gujin is equipped with a huge double leaf wooden door with woodentop posts and locks. in peacetime, the gate is open for pedestrians and businesstravelers to enter and leave freely; in wartime, the gate is closed and firm;once the counterattack order is issued, the gate hole is the exit for thousandsof troops to launch a charge. the lintel of the east gate of the urn, with thetitle of "juyong wai gai", was built in the 18th year of jiajing reign of theming dynasty. on the platform of guancheng, the town of juyongwai, there was astone tablet carved during the wanli period of the ming dynasty. from theinscriptions, we can see the great wall, which took more than 80 years tocomplete. the stele also records the time and length of the construction of thegreat wall, the presiding officer, the foreman, the burner, the potter, thebricklayer and their names, so as to clarify their responsibilities. standing onthe city and looking down, we can see the constant traffic and tourists passingthrough the door. this is not only an important military defense pass in ancienttimes, but also an important traffic route. from here to changping and beijingin the south, to yanqing in the north, and to xuanhua and zhangjiakou in thenorthwest, "the road is divided and extends in all directions.". badaling alsogot its name.

looking down to the right, there is a big gun on display in the south ofdengchengkou, which is called "general weida". the gun is two in length. it is85 meters in diameter and 105 mm in diameter. it got its name because of the"imperial edict granted to the powerful general" on the body of zhongpao. thelargest range of the word is more than 500 meters, which shows that the militaryindustry at that time was relatively developed.

from guancheng platform to the highest part of nanfeng, the south 4thfloor, with a wall of 685 meters long. 8 meters, height rise 142. 4 meters,especially between the south 3rd floor and the south 4th floor, the ridge isnarrow, the mountain is steep, and the great wall stretches more than 400meters. the most dangerous part of the city top is about 70 degrees, almoststraight up and down. the south 1st floor and the south 2nd floor have not beenrestored. judging from the plinth of the south 3rd floor, there are alsopavilions.

the fourth floor south of nanfeng great wall is the highest, with analtitude of 803. six meters. looking from the tower, the great wall winds fromsouthwest to northeast over the ridge, just like a dragon, magnificent. itreminds us of the poem that mr. luo zhewen, a famous expert on the great wall ofchina, chanted when he visited the badaling great wall. lock the key to thenorth gate, the sky is dangerous, and the mountain is half steep. from the south4th floor to the south 7th floor, the height decreases gradually. between thesouth 5th floor and the south 6th floor, a small white pavilion stands on theridge 30 meters away from the city wall on the inside of the great wall. this isthe "memorial pavilion for the restoration of the great wall in guizhouprovince" completed in june 1987. the south 6th floor is a shop, which is builton the top of the upper floor. it is three rooms wide, with a hard top, redpillars, gray tiles, small and exquisite. this is probably the command post ofthe "thousand generals" at that time.

today's great wall has long lost its military value. with its unique charm,it attracts the vast number of chinese and foreign tourists and has become aworld-famous tourist attraction. with the development of tourism, the greatwall, a symbol of the chinese nation and an important cultural heritage in theworld, will radiate new vitality. welcome everyone with better tourism serviceand more beautiful tourism environment!


dear tourists, how are you? i'm your guide. you can call me liu dao. whatwe're going to visit today is the temple of heaven, the place where the emperorworshiped heaven.

emperor yongle of the ming dynasty built the altar for heaven worship inthe south of beijing, imitating the great hall of worship in nanjing. the mainbuilding is the great hall of worship, which is the location of today's hall ofpraying for new year. the temple of heaven has outer wall and inner wall. it isround in the north and square in the south.

now we are going south along the central axis of the temple of heaven. whatwe are going to see is the circular mound altar where the ancient emperorsoffered sacrifices to heaven. there are two enclosure walls in the round hill,which make the outside square and the inside round, in line with the statementthat the sky is round and the place is round. what needs to be mentioned inparticular is that the place where the emperor stood was the tianxin stone inthe center of the mesa. he is one of the three acoustic phenomena in the templeof heaven. when reading aloud here, the voice is particularly loud, and now it'sthe same here. you tourists may as well experience the strange effect, and likethe emperor of that year, tell god your good wishes.

as you may have noticed just now, there are many cypress trees in thetemple of heaven. yes, it's like a natural oxygen bar in beijing. among theseancient cypresses, there is a cypress over 500 years old, which is the ninedragon cypress outside the west wall of echo wall. its trunk texture is verystrange, full of ravines, and twisted, like nine dragons winding around playing,so it is not too much to call it jiulong cypress. please don't climb trees. payattention to your words and deeds. this is a sacred place. we should keep aquiet mind,

after liberation, the temple of heaven has not only become a famous touristattraction, but also an integral part of beijing's urban green space. not onlytourists come here, but also some elderly people who are specially for physicalfitness.

today's tour is over. i hope this tour can make you remember and leave adeep memory in your heart.

i hope you will come again next time.


the great wall is one of the most famous wonders in the world. it is like agiant dragon in the vast land of northern china. it is not only thecrystallization of the blood law of the ancient chinese working people, but alsothe symbol of ancient chinese culture and the pride of the chinese nation.

tourists, we have come to the famous badaling great wall. if you look at itfrom a distance, you can see that the great wall here is divided into south andnorth peaks, winding on the ridge. the scenery is very spectacular. lookingdown, there are two door openings and a u-shaped city wall. there were crenelson both sides of the wall to resist the enemy. if the enemy breaks through thegate and rushes into the city, he will be surrounded and annihilated by thegarrison on all sides, and the enemy will fall into the urn. wengcheng is animportant part of the great wall. it is generally built on the roads withdangerous terrain. the urn in badaling is no exception. built on the ridge,restricted by the terrain, it is low in the east and high in the west, narrow inthe east and wide in the west, only 5000 square meters. there is no well in theurn city, and there is a lack of water. usually, there are not many troopsstationed. the garrison troops are stationed in chadao city, three li is a "chayuan mansion" in the central plains of wengcheng, which is forthe emperor to stay or officials to stay. the distance between the two gates ofthe urn city is 63.9 meters. on the lintel of the west gate is inscribed "lockand key of the north gate". i have already explained its purpose.

on the gate hole, gujin is equipped with a huge double leaf wooden doorwith wooden top posts and locks. in peacetime, the gate is open for pedestriansand business travelers to enter and leave freely; in wartime, the gate is closedand firm; once the counterattack order is issued, the gate hole is the exit forthousands of troops to launch a charge. the lintel of the east gate of the urn,with the title of "juyong wai gai", was built in the 18th year of jiajing reignof the ming dynasty. on the platform of guancheng, the town of juyongwai, therewas a stone tablet carved during the wanli period of the ming dynasty. from theinscriptions, we can see the great wall, which took more than 80 years tocomplete. the stele also records the time and length of the construction of thegreat wall, the presiding officer, the foreman, the burner, the potter, thebricklayer and their names, so as to clarify their responsibilities. standing onthe city and looking down, we can see from the middle

to the constant traffic and visitors through the door. this is not only animportant military defense pass in ancient times, but also an important trafficroute. from here to changping and beijing in the south, to yanqing in the north,and to xuanhua and zhangjiakou in the northwest, "the road is divided andextends in all directions.". badaling also got its name.

looking down to the right, there is a big gun on display in the south ofdengchengkou, which is called "general weida". the gun is 2.85 meters long and105 mm in diameter. it is named after the "imperial grant of divine power to thegeneral" on the body of zhongpao. the largest range of the word is more than 500meters, which shows that the military industry at that time was relativelydeveloped.

from guancheng chengtai to the highest part of nanfeng, the south 4thfloor, the wall is 685.8 meters long and 142.4 meters high. especially betweenthe south 3rd floor and the south 4th floor, the ridge is narrow, the mountainis steep, and the great wall is more than 400 meters long. the most dangerouspart of the city top is about 70 degrees, almost straight up and down. the south1st floor and the south 2nd floor have not been restored. judging from theplinth of the south 3rd floor, there are also pavilions.

the fourth floor south of nanfeng great wall is the highest with analtitude of 803.6 meters. looking from the tower, the great wall winds fromsouthwest to northeast over the ridge, just like a dragon, magnificent. itreminds us of the poem that mr. luo zhewen, a famous expert on the great wall ofchina, chanted when he visited the badaling great wall. lock the key to thenorth gate, the sky is dangerous, and the mountain is half steep. from the south4th floor to the south 7th floor, the height decreases gradually. between thesouth 5th floor and the south 6th floor, a small white pavilion stands on theridge 30 meters away from the city wall on the inside of the great wall. this isthe "memorial pavilion for the restoration of the great wall in guizhouprovince" completed in june 1987. the south 6th floor is a shop, which is builton the top of the upper floor. it is three rooms wide, with a hard top, redpillars, gray tiles, small and exquisite. this is probably the command post ofthe "thousand generals" at that time.

today's great wall has long lost its military value. with its unique charm,it attracts the vast number of chinese and foreign tourists and has become aworld-famous tourist attraction. with the development of tourism, the greatwall, a symbol of the chinese nation and an important cultural heritage in theworld, will radiate new vitality. welcome everyone with better tourism serviceand more beautiful tourism environment!
















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