
时间:2024-09-27 作者:储xy



i suggest that it must be interesting to be with children all day long. if i am a teacher, i can teach my students a lot of knowledge, and they may become stronger and smarter because i have one i feel very satiied that china is a developing country. chinese people are not so good, so chinese teachers may be very important.

they can provide a lot of succesul people for the society and make china better. you think i have a beautiful dream. i will try my best to make my dream come true.

thank you. my dream is that the wind ignites our dream of sailing on the ocean and lights us black the dark road dream is the armor of our fragile hearts. martin luther king once had a dream, that is, to do justice for all.

lincoln, i have a dream, that is, to let the slaves free, and they pursue their dream, which finally came true when i was young. one day, i saw a dog. i threw a stone just for fun.

then it fell down and looked weak. i was surprised to find that he was pregnant. i dont remember what happened next, but one thing i knew: i felt guilty.

it was the first time that i found life could die so easily. i had a dream to help there are too many wars and disasters to help those who need help. in the iraq war, people die of war.

africa has a child dying of hunger every eight seconds. i have a dream. you have a dream.

they have a dream. we should help them. we should save their lives so that they can pursue their dreams like this.

the lyrics of a song say, _we create light._ one day of people, so lets start to pay, this is my dream, a and meaningful knowledge, the important thing is:.





note: for this part, you can write a short article about advertisement in a few minutes. you should at least write an article according to the following chinese outline: advertising is forcibly entering peoples lives. people refer to advertisements in their daily life because they are consumers.

advertisers are usually manufacturers, retailers and sales personnel. their products need to be advertised attract the attention of customers, so almost every product is advertised in a certain way to a great extent. good advertisement can bring success, and bad advertisement may mean failure.

there are many ways of advertising. advertisements appear in newss in different forms. advertisements are published in newss.

some products are publicized on tv and radio, thus attracting the attention of the audience. there are also advertisements on billboards. advertising is a big industry now.

many advertising companies are advertising. the purpose of advertising is to provide various forms. however, advertising is not always a real product.

advertisers often exaggerate the benefits of the goods they want to sell. he distorts the fact that consumers become victims of such advertisements and millions of people buy them the advertising product and feel dissatiied with it.



标签: 污染


a:hello,long time no see,what do you do recently?

b:i work in lenovo as a assistant.

a:do you like this job?

b:it is hard to say ,the salary is enough for me .but, in the long time , it isnt benifit fo my career,i think i will change my job if i find the most suitable position for myself.

a:i think you should change this job as soon as possible ,although it is hard at the very beginning,the ending will change if you have enough courage and confident.

b:you are right ,i will think carefully to your do you satisficed with you job?

a:you know,my dream is to be a layer,when i graduate from my college,i worked in a law firm as a paralegals for 1 year,and now i can deal with a case all by myself ,but i am under great pressure on the this job.

b:yes ,everything has two side,life is hard to satisfied for everyones should think more optimistic about our life,everything will change if your attitude is right.

a:yeh,tomorrow is another day,we will have a bright future. b:i firmly believe that too.






there was a box in the classroom, full of lost things, books, pencils, a triangle, a badminton racket... its almost full of the whole box. there was an iron general on the door, which prevented the thief from taking things.

inside, they were talking in tongues. the new xinhua dictionary on the second floor sighed with a sigh, _ah, the master threw me away, not to pick it up. it seems that even he hates me._ the triangle came over and patted him on the shoulder and said kindly, _i am no better than you. i have been here for three semesters, but i still have no one to take care of me._

the conversation between them was heard by the pencil downstairs. it hung its head and said sadly, _our master threw us at it, and in a few days we will be running away._ the other side of the book also said, _i just bought it, the master took me as a treasure, with me every day. but when he finished, he threw it around and didnt know how to keep it._

at this moment, the students came and the iron gener...


k: who is this liu hong? may i speak to mr. k? i hope so. i wont disturb you.

we are very happy to invite you to our school english discussion on friday morning. are you free? k: sorry, i cant hear you clearly. im sorry.

i said id like to invite you to our school for an english discussion on friday morning. k: oh, thats it. ok, ill be here on time.

thank you. goodbye. friday: goodbye.


k: 是谁这是刘红我可以和k先生通话吗希望如此我不打扰你,我们很高兴邀请你参加周五上午我们学校的英语讨论,你有空吗k:对不起,我听不清你说什么。对不起,我说我邀请你星期五上午去我们学校参加英语讨论k:哦,就是这样好吧,我会准时来的。谢谢,再见星期五:再见。

标签: 新学期


a:i heard you stay in american 2 years,can you tell me something

about the difference between american and our country?

b:most chinese families like to cook the meals at home. the family members sit around the table and share the dishes on the table together. even when they are having their meals in restaurants, they eat in the same way too. but in america, just part of the americans have their meal at home with their family members.

a:can you give me a example?

b:for example,when you leave .for american people, they just said “goodbye” and go back to do other china,they will say “go slowly.” not farewell or godspeed, but “go slowly”. to the chinese it means “take care.” or “watch your step.” or some such caution, but translated literally it means “go slow.”

a:it is very interesting .and what is the most distinctive difference between american culture and chinese culture?

b:i think is the chinese take pride in “modesty”; the americans in “straight forwardness”. that modesty has left many a chinese hungry at an american table, for chinese politeness calls for three refusals before one accepts an offer, and the american hosts take a “no” to mean “no”, whether it’s the first, second, or third heard you received korea universitys offer,why do you choose korea to go to graduate shool?

a:i like the culture of korea ,compared to modern china, south korea retains the essence of traditional chinese culture part, and i like to watch korean dramas, so i choose to go to korea to will have the opportunity to meet my favorite stars.

b:have you ever to south korea ?

a:sorry ,i never to ,all the knowledge about korea are from dramas.

b:i think you the dramas may have great difference from the fact ,when you live there for a short of time ,all the definition of korea will have a new understanding .

a:yes you are right ,see you next year.

b:good luck ,bye.


today is an interesting english class. we had a very interesting english class. as soon as the bell rang, mr.

chen came into the classroom with all kinds of food and drinks. i was very surprised and curious. my heart was pounding.

it was like: what happened? the british wanted to take these things to announce the rules of the game. they asked a student to go to the platform and smell coffee, orange juice, tea and cattle the taste of milk should be named in english. by the way, you can choose your favorite drink and let the students drink it one by one.

after the first game i turned around, mr. chen began to play our second game. the teacher invited the students to have a dialogue with the teachers on the stage.

if the dialogue is good, you can also get the prize. after that, the students finally receive the prize now, its my turn to excitedly walk to the platform and have a lot of dialogue with the teachers. finally, i get the cake.

im very happy to run off the platform. this class is really interesting. at the end of the class, the students all laughed.




shopping: a: welcome, what can i do? you know, spring is coming, and i want to buy a new dress for spring. vera: come on, we have a new style of dress, which is fashionable for young women. wearer: oh, its so cute.

i really like it. do you think it fits? meiya: of course you look so beautiful and charming. this new dress will make you more lovely.

i believe you will be a man killer itb: yes, of course, but i dont like this color. i want to know if you have purple. you know my favorite color.

ok, let me do it. ok, wait a minute. are you purple? thank you, by the way.

how much is it? if yoeally want a discount, you can discount itb: of course, i want you to know that its right now during the economic crisis, by the way, if you want to give me more discounts, i want a medium-sized cecia: let me see if you can pay us dollars itb: i will take it and help me pack it. please, ok, no problem. heres your change.

b: thank you. living in university: a: hello, tom. how are yoecently b: ok, thank you for just like this: whats the matter? i just broke up with my girlfriend, which makes me ask the question b: why soa: she wants to marry me? adult b: so gretel, why do you want to break her desire that ill buy her a big house and an expensive car.

during the financial crisis, its hard for us to find a good job. where can i buy a house and the money for it? cab: oh, poor child, but maybe shes fun of you. youre too honest.

i think a: oh, what youre saying is not that when i say _no_ to her, he gets angry. then, a gentleman uses a benz: oh, thats too bad. thats a real story.

forget it. forget her. i think i can help you find another one who you think you dont have a girlfriend.

how can you give me a hand: well, lets wait. thea: so id like to treat you to dinner: well, lets go.




conversation stacy: i am thrilled about the internet telephone technology, but i have to admit i know nothing about how it works. sue: you mean how people can speak to other people using their computers? stacy: yeah. i guess thats what i am trying to say. i mean can i just dial a phone number on my computer and speak to somebody? sue: yes, you can if you have necessary communication software installed on your computer.

stacy: i am an average computer user. but, i have no idea what kind of program i would need to make calls from my computer to other people.

sue: first of all, you need a voice-over-internet-protocol communication program.

stacy: wait! whats that again? sue: voice-over-internet-protocol communication program. this program makes your regular telephone line communicate with the other persons computer or just regular telephone. stacy: you mean a program makes my computer acts like a telephone?

sue: yap. but, in order to use your computer for making telephone calls, you must first have a high-speed internet connection stacy: ok. i have high-speed internet connection

sue: thats good. next, you can install skype for free to make calls from your computer. youve heard of skype before. havent you? stacy: yes, ive heared about it quite often, but i dont know exactly what it does. sue: skype is a voip communication program i just mentioned earlier. voip stands for voice over internet protocol. voip transfers voice data to digital data first, and as soon as the digital data reaches the destination on the other the end of the line to the receiver, voip again translates it to speech so other person can hear you. stacy: wow! thats neat. is that all i need? just install skype?

sue: no, you need little bit of more. you need, a microphone attached to your computer and a headphone. stacy: i have a new computer and headphone. how can i check out if my computer has a microphone? sue: its very easy. just do this: open the programs from the start menu on your desktop. click control panel. then look for the sound and audio devices icon in the control panel. if you have this icon in the control panel, then you have a computer microphone.

stacy: i see. ok, ill do that. if i run into a problem, ill call you. so is it expensive to use voip? sue: it can be quite costly, but its free with skype if both you and the person you call have skype installed on your computers. stacy: but, thats always not the case. not everybody has a computer and skype installed. if other person doesnt have a computer, can i still call that person using skype from my computer? sue: yes, you can. thats the beauty of skype. if you do so, you will be able to make calls even to those who have no computer


a:how did you spend you leisure time?

b:i like watch movie direct by fengxiaogang .

a:which movie do you like best?

a:what is the movie about?

b:it is a love story about qinfen and xiaoxiao .qinfen has date with different women .when he date with xiaoxiao ,he konw she is his destiny .

a:is a very interesting film,i will see it.

b:do you often see feng xiao gang s movie?

a:very little,i like reading books,such as science fiction,cartoon. b:whose cartoon do you like best?

a:hayao miyazaki

b:his cartoon was made in to a movie,do you like it ?

a:yes ,you can see

b:good idea


a do you like your time in college? b: its ok, but not as much as i expected. a: really why not? b: i thought the subjects would be very , i would have a lot of time to plan, but actually i have a lot of homework. a: whats your problem with b: i think my accounting assignment is too difficult.

a: youve considered asking a tutor to help me. b: well, i think i can find their advertisements on the bulletin boards in the library. b: thank you.

ill see them look, the premise is that i wont be distracted on the way, and finally go to the gym a: ha, have you ever been on a sports team? b: yes, im playing for the university volleyball team. team a: hey, me too. which team are you from team b: i joined the college volleyball association and they put me in the mens first division league.

i think thats why i havent seen you. i play in a mixed second division league: very much cool, it sounds like a good way to meet new friends, maybe even make a new girlfriend. actually, since you mentioned it, our team leader is very beautiful.

b: what else do you have in college besides studying and playing volleyball? i also joined the university debate team. we have a competition every month, which sounds interesting. is there anyone else who can attend? yes, theyre always looking for new people to join b.

thank you. thats good to know. i think im going to sign up for a next week.

hi, what time is your next class? i think i have to go to b now. im not in a hurry. my next class hasnt started for a few hours.

fortunately, youre enjoying the college life im not in now. see you later. enjoy b.

do you want me to go to the library with you? we can have a look at the tutoring teachers notice a ok, lets go.






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