
时间:2024-10-03 作者:储xy



ningxia is located in the inland, belongs to temperate continentalsemi-arid climate. it straddles the east monsoon region and the northwest aridregion, and the southwest is close to the qinghai tibet alpine region, which isroughly located in the intersection and transition zone of the three naturalregions in china. the annual average temperature is 5 ℃~ 9 ℃, and thetemperature difference between day and night is large. the annual precipitationis generally 200-600 mm. with 3000 hours of sunshine and 170 days of frost freeperiod, it is one of the areas with the most abundant sunshine and solarradiation in china.

ningxia is one of the birthplaces of ancient chinese civilization. the latepaleolithic human activity site and unearthed cultural relics in shuidonggou,lingwu county, ningxia province show that human beings have been living andreproducing here as early as 30000 years ago.

during the spring and autumn period and the warring states period, theworld-famous great wall began to be built in the territory. after the firstemperor of qin unified china, he sent troops to settle down in ningxia and beganthe history of diverting water from the yellow river for irrigation. by the handynasty (206-220 bc), the farming economy here had been quite prosperous. in the14th year of tianbao in the tang dynasty (755), the "an shi rebellion" brokeout. prince li heng entered ningxia and became emperor in lingwu. at that time,ningxia had become one of the important channels of east-west transportation andtrade in china. in the first year of baoyuan (1038) of northern song dynasty, liyuanhao, the leader of dangxiang nationality, established daxia state withningxia as the center, which was called xixia in history, and its capital wasxingqing prefecture (now yinchuan city). after mongolia exterminated xixia,ningxia fu road was set up in the 24th year of the yuan dynasty (1287). ningxiawei was set up in ming dynasty. ningxia government was set up in qing the early years of the republic of china, ningxia government was changed toshuofangdao, and ningxia province was established in 1929. after the founding ofthe people's republic of china in 1949, ningxia province was abolished in a hui autonomous region was established on october 25, 1958.

ningxia is rich in mineral resources with prominent advantages inagriculture, energy and tourism. there are 1.288 million hectares of cultivatedland in the region. among them, more than 333000 hectares are irrigated. thereare more than 660000 hectares of wasteland suitable for agriculture to bedeveloped, including 133000 hectares of wasteland for aquaculture, 56000hectares of wastewater and 3 million hectares of grassland. more than 50 kindsof mineral resources have been discovered, and the per capita potential value ofnatural resources is 163.5% of the national average value, ranking fifth in thecountry. in particular, non-metallic mineral resources are rich, mainly coal,gypsum, oil, natural gas and so on. gypsum reserves rank first in china. nearlyone third of the land in the region is rich in coal resources, with provenreserves of more than 30 billion tons, ranking fifth in the country. the provenreserves of lingwu coalfield alone reach more than 27 billion tons, equivalentto the total proven reserves in northeast china. among the top ten coal types inchina, there are nine in ningxia. taixi coal, the world famous high qualityanthracite, has an annual export volume of 1 million tons. the shaanxi gansuningxia basin natural gas field across ningxia has proved reserves of more than200 billion cubic meters. it is a world-class large gas field.

the autonomous region has five prefecture level cities of yinchuan,shizuishan, wuzhong, guyuan and zhongwei, six municipal districts of xingqing,jinfeng, xixia, dawukou, huinong and yuanzhou, two county-level cities of lingwuand qingtongxia, 11 counties of yongning, helan, pingluo, tongxin, yanchi,zhongning, haiyuan, jingyuan, xiji, longde and pengyang, and hongsibaodevelopment zone (county-level immigration development zone), with yinchuan asits capital.

ningxia has 35 ethnic groups, including hui and han, with a totalpopulation of 6.0373 million at the end of 20__, including 3.7742 million hanand 2.0649 million hui. ningxia is the largest hui inhabited area in china. huipeople believe in islam.

the hui nationality in china was formed in the yuan dynasty. the origin ofthe hui nationality can be traced back to the middle of the seventh century,when arab and persian merchants came to china to do business and stay. in theyuan dynasty, a large number of central asian, persian and arab came to to intermarriage and socio-economic relations, they formed hui nationalityin the process of long-term relationship with han, uygur, mongolian and othernationalities. as early as the song dynasty, there were persians who believed inislam and settled down in ningxia. in the yuan dynasty, a large number of arabmuslims from central asia, together with the mongols, moved to ningxia tocultivate and defend the frontier. at the end of yuan dynasty and the beginningof ming dynasty, the hui nationality gradually formed, and ningxia huinationality entered a relatively stable development period.

hui people's living in ningxia can be traced back to the end of tangdynasty. in the northern song dynasty and xixia period, most of the muslims fromthe east came to the central plains from yumen and jiuquan via xixia. by theyuan dynasty, a large number of arabs, persians and central asians wererecruited or migrated to live in the form of semi military and semi nomadic. inthe early ming dynasty, a large number of hui people were placed in lingzhou(now lingwu city) and guyuan counties as "attached to tuda". in addition, thehui people who constantly migrated to ningxia for development and reclamationformed many hui settlements. during the reign of emperor qianlong of the qingdynasty, the population of hui nationality in ningxia increased the tongzhi period (1862-1874), the anti qing uprising of the northwesthui people was brutally suppressed, and the volunteers and their families weremoved to remote areas. some of them migrated to lingzhou, huaping (now jingyuancounty of ningxia), longde, haiyuan and other counties.

as the main ethnic group in ningxia hui people believe in islam. in ningxiahui inhabited areas, there are more than 3000 mosques with differentarchitectural forms and scales, and about 4000 imams. the muslim people of huinationality generally believe in five "lessons", namely: recitation, ceremony,fasting, lesson and pilgrimage. there are three traditional festivals of the huipeople: eid al fitr, guerbang (also known as eid al adha) and shengji autonomous region, cities and counties have established religious socialorganizations at all levels, namely islamic associations, to manage their ownreligious life. the autonomous region has set up ningxia islamic school inyinchuan city and tongxin arabic school in tongxin county, helping the muslimpeople to cultivate a large number of talents with religious knowledge. inaddition to islam, there are mass beliefs, buddhism, catholicism, christianityand taoism in ningxia. the people's government of the autonomous region treatsall kinds of religions equally, protects the normal religious activities of themasses, and all kinds of religious people live in harmony for a long time inningxia.

ningxia hui people have formed unique customs in clothing, diet, dailyhygiene, marriage, funeral and so on. hui men like to wear small white caps andblack waistcoats. hui women also like to wear headsets, gold and silverearrings, rings and bracelets. hui people pay special attention to hygiene,clean and tidy indoor and outdoor, clean stove. usually wash hands and face withsoup bottle, bath with hanging pot.

hui people like to eat the meat of cattle, sheep, camels and otherruminants, but also eat chicken, duck, goose and fish. they don't eat pork,animal blood and dead livestock. animals eaten by devout believers must beslaughtered by imams. hui people generally don't smoke or drink. men, women andchildren all like to drink "babao" cup tea with nutritional condiments such asrock sugar, tea, medlar, walnut kernel, sesame, longan, jujube and preservedfruit. during the festive festival, the hui people mostly make fried food suchas fragrant oil, sanzi and yaguo. when there are distinguished guests, they willbe warmly received by the rich "quanyang banquet" and various hui snacks. inmarriage, monogamy is practiced. the wedding ceremony of hui nationality is verygrand and has many religious and ethnic characteristics. for example, when awedding is held, the imam should be asked to read "nikaha", that is, to testifyand congratulate with arabic scriptures. the funeral of the hui nationality issimple and easy, with the practice of earth burial and thin burial. the funeralincludes four procedures: cleaning the burial body, wrapping the body with whitecloth, holding religious prayer ceremony under the direction of imam, andentering the burial.

mosque, also known as the mosque. arabic is "mesgid", which means the placeto kowtow. it is not only a place for islamic believers to worship, but also acenter of culture and education and a center of social activities in someplaces. the establishment of mosques in ningxia started from yuan dynasty, andthe number and scale of mosques have developed considerably in ming and qingdynasties. gongbei is the mausoleum of an outstanding figure in a certain regionof islam. daotang is a place where religious leaders of a certain branch ofislam worship, chant scriptures, give lectures and live. islamic architecture inningxia reflects the process of combining islamic culture with chinesetraditional culture, and has distinctive local cultural characteristics andnational personality.


dear tourists

the beautiful and rich yinchuan is the first oasis developed in hetao areaof the yellow river. in the han dynasty, the measures of dredging canals andcultivating farmland were carried out here, and water conservancy projects suchas hanyanqu were built. in the tang dynasty, yinchuan had the reputation of"south of the yangtze river". since the ming and qing dynasties, the folk sayingof "the yellow river enriches ningxia" has spread all over jiuzhou. the ancientdangxiang people have created a dazzling xixia culture here, and the industrioushui people are constantly striving for self-improvement, showing colorful folkcustoms. yinchuan is an important city in the northwest border of china, thecapital of ningxia hui autonomous region, and one of the famous historical andcultural cities in china. it has a long and splendid history, profound culturalheritage, endless stories and endless beautiful scenery. today, let's go intoyinchuan and feel the magic charm of this ancient frontier fortress city!

tourists, yinchuan city is located in the hetao plain formed by thealluvial of the yellow river, facing the yellow river in the east, with flat andopen terrain; the helan mountain in the west, adjacent to the mountains of alxaleft banner in inner mongolia; the qingtongxia gorge in the south; and pingluocounty in the north. the total area of the city is 3499 square kilometers, andthe urban area is 1277 square kilometers. it has jurisdiction over threecounty-level districts of urban area, new urban area and suburb, and twocounties of yongning and helan. according to statistics, by the end of 20__, thecity's total population was about 1039100. yinchuan is a multi-ethnic area,inhabiting 25 ethnic groups, such as hui, han, manchu, mongolian and korean. itis also a city where the hui population is concentrated, with about 223100 huipeople.

it is said that a long time ago, seven sisters of phoenix lived in thesouth of the yangtze river, bringing happiness to people. among them, theyoungest seven sisters came to ningxia, where the land is thin and the peopleare poor, and opened a canal to divert water, bringing the scenery of the southof the yangtze river. later, in order to prevent the invasion of alien tribes,fenghuang qimei became a city to protect the people in ningxia, which was lateryinchuan. now, "phoenix city" has become the reputation of yinchuan.

yinchuan is flat and open. the terrain trend is gradually inclined fromsouthwest to northeast. "helan is the screen, the yellow river is around, thefertile fields are thousands of miles, and the lakes are inlaid" is the featureof yinchuan landform pattern. yinchuan terrain is divided into mountain andplain. in the west is helan mountain, which forms a trapezoidal shape andgradually decreases from the south of quanqigou, with an altitude of 20__-2500meters. the main peak, aobaogeda, is 3556 meters. it is a natural barrier toprevent the cold air and sandstorm from driving into the northwest. in the eastis the yellow river alluvial plain. the yellow river flows from 16 kilometerseast of yinchuan city to 30 degrees south of the city to shizuishan, with atransit length of 78.4 kilometers and a water surface of 124700 mu, forming avast and boundless alluvial plain of the yellow river, in which there arehundreds of fertile fields, ditches, lush vegetation, scattered with hundreds oflakes and marshes, including the famous "72 lian lake". since ancient times, ithas been the main agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheryproduction area.

yinchuan is located in the middle temperate arid climate zone, whichbelongs to the middle temperate continental climate. the main features are: lessrain and snow, strong evaporation, sufficient sunshine, moderate heat, strongwind and sand; cold in winter, hot in summer, short and changeable in an is located in the northwest inland, far from the sea, coupled with adry climate, less rainfall and long sunshine, so most of the year is ing to statistics, the annual sunshine time is 17.5 hours more than thatof "sunshine city" lhasa.

the temperature difference between day and night in yinchuan is very large,with an average daily temperature difference of 13.1-14.4 degrees in the wholeyear. this continental climate, coupled with the unique natural conditions, isvery suitable for the growth of all kinds of crops. it is easy to store thesugar content of melons and fruits, and the sugar content of melons and fruitsis 15% - 20% higher than that of central plains. according to the records ofshuijingzhu written by li daoyuan, a famous geographer in the northern weidynasty, yinchuan plain was called "guocheng" as early as 1500 years ago. it isrich in peach, plum, apricot, jujube, apple, grape and watermelon. the fruit isbig, sweet, tender and colorful. yinchuan has been planting rice for more than2100 years. after careful cultivation and improvement by the working people,yinchuan's rice has become a famous variety in china. the main food crops arewheat, buckwheat, white pea and so on. vegetables are ningxia cabbage, pepper,tomato, scallion. in addition, fern, seabuckthorn and honey are alsowell-known.

there are many soil types and diverse vegetation in yinchuan area. theforest covers an area of one million mu, half of which are plantations,including timber forest, shelter forest and fruit forest. with the developmentof afforestation and other greening projects, the forest area and greening areaare increasing year by year. in 1988, the state council approved helan mountainas a national forest nature reserve with wildlife types. there are 183000 mu ofnatural secondary forest and 177 species of wildlife on the mountain, including16 species of rare animals under state protection.

yinchuan is located in the north of the depression belt in the westernmargin of ordos, with rich mineral resources. the mineral products stored in thehelanshan section of yinchuan are mainly coal, hematite, limestone, dolomite,apatite, quartz sandstone, diabase, ceramic clay, etc., which provide favorableconditions for the development of metallurgy, chemical industry, buildingmaterials and other industries in yinchuan, especially the high storage ofphosphate rock.

yinchuan has a long history. as early as 20__ years ago in the period ofemperor wu of han dynasty, it was the habitat of xiongnu, xianbei and othernomadic peoples. with the development of the yellow river irrigation area, somecastles have sprung up in yinchuan plain. at that time, the castles, which werecalled yinhan city, were the predecessor of yinchuan city. yinchuan county wasestablished in the northern and southern dynasties in the three years of jiande(574), which was called huaiyuan county. in 1020 ad, li deming, the leader ofdangxiang nationality, moved here and changed to xingzhou. in 1038, the capitalof xixia was established here, which lasted 189 years. after the change ofdynasties, it was renamed zhongxingfu, ningxia, ningxia fu and ningxia city. itwas not until 1945 that yinchuan city was established.

the term "yinchuan" comes from the description of this section of theyellow river and its coastal plain irrigation area as "yinchuan" in the lateming dynasty. this famous cultural city with a long history of more than 1000years is characterized by xixia culture. xixia mausoleum scenic spot is anational key scenic spot. helan mountain nature reserve is a national key naturereserve. xixia mausoleum, baisikou twin pagoda and haibao pagoda are the keycultural relics protection units in china. yinchuan is one of the mostattractive cities in western china because of its attractive water scenery,peculiar scenery of saishang and colorful hui customs.

tourists, yinchuan city is divided into three parts: the old city, the newcity and the new city. the old city was formerly ningxia fucheng in the qingdynasty, about 15 kilometers east of the yellow river. both the regionalgovernment and the municipal people's government are located here. it is also acommercial district. the new city is located in the east of the railway station,7.5 kilometers away from the old city in the east. it was developed on the basisof the new manchu city where qianlong lived in the qing dynasty. after 1958, anew urban area was built on the vast desert grassland to the west of baotoulanzhou railway. once upon a time, in yinchuan city, except for the drum tower,yuhuangge, nanmenlou and other ancient buildings, most of them were low yellowmud adobe houses. nowadays, the ancient and new appearance of yinchuan citycomplement each other. around those ancient buildings, there are many modernbuildings. at night, the lights are bright, the neon lights are flashing, andthe broad streets are full of light. when you enter yinchuan, you can enjoy thebeauty of ningxia's unique tradition and the present. this ancient frontierfortress city is welcoming guests from all over the world with a newattitude.





























































































ningxia hui autonomous region is located in the middle and upper reaches ofthe yellow river in northwest china, between 35 ° 14 '- 39 ° 23' n and 104 ° 17'- 107 ° 39' e. it is adjacent to shaanxi province in the east, inner mongoliaautonomous region in the west and north, and gansu province in the south, with atotal area of 66400 square kilometers. the terrain is long and narrow from northto south, high in the south and low in the north. from north to south, there arehelan mountain, ningxia plain and liupan mountain. ningxia is 456 km from northto south and 250 km from east to west. ningxia is located in the transition zonebetween the loess plateau and inner mongolia plateau. in terms ofgeomorphological types, the loess landform eroded by flowing water is dominantin the south, and the arid denudation and wind erosion landform is dominant inthe middle and north. there are relatively high mountains and widely distributedhills, alluvial plain formed by fault subsidence and alluvial of the yellowriver, platform and sand dunes. the surface morphology is complex and ing to the statistical data in early 20__, hilly area accounts for 38%,plain area 26.8%, mountain area 15.8%, platform 17.6% and desert 1.8%. theaverage altitude is 1090-20__m. helan mountain is the natural barrier of ningxiaplain. the main peak, aobao geda, is 3556 meters above sea level. the yellowriver passes through 12 cities and counties in the middle and north, with a flowof 397 km.

ningxia is located in the inland, belongs to temperate continentalsemi-arid climate. it straddles the east monsoon region and the northwest aridregion, and the southwest is close to the qinghai tibet alpine region, which isroughly located in the intersection and transition zone of the three naturalregions in china. the annual average temperature is 5 ℃~ 9 ℃, and thetemperature difference between day and night is large. the annual precipitationis generally 200-600 mm. with 3000 hours of sunshine and 170 days of frost freeperiod, it is one of the areas with the most abundant sunshine and solarradiation in china.

ningxia is one of the birthplaces of ancient chinese civilization. the latepaleolithic human activity site and unearthed cultural relics in shuidonggou,lingwu county, ningxia province show that human beings have been living andreproducing here as early as 30000 years ago.

during the spring and autumn period and the warring states period, theworld-famous great wall began to be built in the territory. after the firstemperor of qin unified china, he sent troops to settle down in ningxia and beganthe history of diverting water from the yellow river for irrigation. by the handynasty (206-220 bc), the farming economy here had been quite prosperous. in the14th year of tianbao in the tang dynasty (755), the "an shi rebellion" brokeout. prince li heng entered ningxia and became emperor in lingwu. at that time,ningxia had become one of the important channels of east-west transportation andtrade in china. in the first year of baoyuan (1038) of northern song dynasty, liyuanhao, the leader of dangxiang nationality, established daxia state withningxia as the center, which was called xixia in history, and its capital wasxingqing prefecture (now yinchuan city). after mongolia exterminated xixia,ningxia fu road was set up in the 24th year of the yuan dynasty (1287). ningxiawei was set up in ming dynasty. ningxia government was set up in qing the early years of the republic of china, ningxia government was changed toshuofangdao, and ningxia province was established in 1929. after the founding ofthe people's republic of china in 1949, ningxia province was abolished in a hui autonomous region was established on october 25, 1958.

ningxia is rich in mineral resources with prominent advantages inagriculture, energy and tourism. there are 1.288 million hectares of cultivatedland in the region. among them, more than 333000 hectares are irrigated. thereare more than 660000 hectares of wasteland suitable for agriculture to bedeveloped, including 133000 hectares of wasteland for aquaculture, 56000hectares of wastewater and 3 million hectares of grassland. more than 50 kindsof mineral resources have been discovered, and the per capita potential value ofnatural resources is 163.5% of the national average value, ranking fifth in thecountry. in particular, non-metallic mineral resources are rich, mainly coal,gypsum, oil, natural gas and so on. gypsum reserves rank first in china. nearlyone third of the land in the region is rich in coal resources, with provenreserves of more than 30 billion tons, ranking fifth in the country. the provenreserves of lingwu coalfield alone reach more than 27 billion tons, equivalentto the total proven reserves in northeast china. among the top ten coal types inchina, there are nine in ningxia. taixi coal, the world famous high qualityanthracite, has an annual export volume of 1 million tons. the shaanxi gansuningxia basin natural gas field across ningxia has proved reserves of more than200 billion cubic meters. it is a world-class large gas field.

the autonomous region has five prefecture level cities of yinchuan,shizuishan, wuzhong, guyuan and zhongwei, six municipal districts of xingqing,jinfeng, xixia, dawukou, huinong and yuanzhou, two county-level cities of lingwuand qingtongxia, 11 counties of yongning, helan, pingluo, tongxin, yanchi,zhongning, haiyuan, jingyuan, xiji, longde and pengyang, and hongsibaodevelopment zone (county-level immigration development zone), with yinchuan asits capital.

ningxia has 35 ethnic groups, including hui and han, with a totalpopulation of 6.0373 million at the end of 20__, including 3.7742 million hanand 2.0649 million hui. ningxia is the largest hui inhabited area in china. huipeople believe in islam.

the hui nationality in china was formed in the yuan dynasty. the origin ofthe hui nationality can be traced back to the middle of the seventh century,when arab and persian merchants came to china to do business and stay. in theyuan dynasty, a large number of central asian, persian and arab came to to intermarriage and socio-economic relations, they formed hui nationalityin the process of long-term relationship with han, uygur, mongolian and othernationalities. as early as the song dynasty, there were persians who believed inislam and settled down in ningxia. in the yuan dynasty, a large number of arabmuslims from central asia, together with the mongols, moved to ningxia tocultivate and defend the frontier. at the end of yuan dynasty and the beginningof ming dynasty, the hui nationality gradually formed, and ningxia huinationality entered a relatively stable development period.

hui people's living in ningxia can be traced back to the end of tangdynasty. in the northern song dynasty and xixia period, most of the muslims fromthe east came to the central plains from yumen and jiuquan via xixia. by theyuan dynasty, a large number of arabs, persians and central asians wererecruited or migrated to live in the form of semi military and semi nomadic. inthe early ming dynasty, a large number of hui people were placed in lingzhou(now lingwu city) and guyuan counties as "attached to tuda". in addition, thehui people who constantly migrated to ningxia for development and reclamationformed many hui settlements. during the reign of emperor qianlong of the qingdynasty, the population of hui nationality in ningxia increased the tongzhi period (1862-1874), the anti qing uprising of the northwesthui people was brutally suppressed, and the volunteers and their families weremoved to remote areas. some of them migrated to lingzhou, huaping (now jingyuancounty of ningxia), longde, haiyuan and other counties.

as the main ethnic group in ningxia hui people believe in islam. in ningxiahui inhabited areas, there are more than 3000 mosques with differentarchitectural forms and scales, and about 4000 imams. the muslim people of huinationality generally believe in five "lessons", namely: recitation, ceremony,fasting, lesson and pilgrimage. there are three traditional festivals of the huipeople: eid al fitr, guerbang (also known as eid al adha) and shengji autonomous region, cities and counties have established religious socialorganizations at all levels, namely islamic associations, to manage their ownreligious life. the autonomous region has set up ningxia islamic school inyinchuan city and tongxin arabic school in tongxin county, helping the muslimpeople to cultivate a large number of talents with religious knowledge. inaddition to islam, there are mass beliefs, buddhism, catholicism, christianityand taoism in ningxia. the people's government of the autonomous region treatsall kinds of religions equally, protects the normal religious activities of themasses, and all kinds of religious people live in harmony for a long time inningxia.

ningxia hui people have formed unique customs in clothing, diet, dailyhygiene, marriage, funeral and so on. hui men like to wear small white caps andblack waistcoats. hui women also like to wear headsets, gold and silverearrings, rings and bracelets. hui people pay special attention to hygiene,clean and tidy indoor and outdoor, clean stove. usually wash hands and face withsoup bottle, bath with hanging pot.

hui people like to eat the meat of cattle, sheep, camels and otherruminants, but also eat chicken, duck, goose and fish. they don't eat pork,animal blood and dead livestock. animals eaten by devout believers must beslaughtered by imams. hui people generally don't smoke or drink. men, women andchildren all like to drink "babao" cup tea with nutritional condiments such asrock sugar, tea, medlar, walnut kernel, sesame, longan, jujube and preservedfruit. during the festive festival, the hui people mostly make fried food suchas fragrant oil, sanzi and yaguo. when there are distinguished guests, they willbe warmly received by the rich "quanyang banquet" and various hui snacks. inmarriage, monogamy is practiced. the wedding ceremony of hui nationality is verygrand and has many religious and ethnic characteristics. for example, when awedding is held, the imam should be asked to read "nikaha", that is, to testifyand congratulate with arabic scriptures. the funeral of the hui nationality issimple and easy, with the practice of earth burial and thin burial. the funeralincludes four procedures: cleaning the burial body, wrapping the body with whitecloth, holding religious prayer ceremony under the direction of imam, andentering the burial.

mosque, also known as the mosque. arabic is "mesgid", which means the placeto kowtow. it is not only a place for islamic believers to worship, but also acenter of culture and education and a center of social activities in someplaces. the establishment of mosques in ningxia started from yuan dynasty, andthe number and scale of mosques have developed considerably in ming and qingdynasties. gongbei is the mausoleum of an outstanding figure in a certain regionof islam. daotang is a place where religious leaders of a certain branch ofislam worship, chant scriptures, give lectures and live. islamic architecture inningxia reflects the process of combining islamic culture with chinesetraditional culture, and has distinctive local cultural characteristics andnational personality.














hello, distinguished guests

you have traveled thousands of miles to our beautiful south of the greatwall. i don't know how much you really know about ningxia. it doesn't matter ifyou don't know. here is a brief introduction

ningxia hui autonomous region is located in the middle and upper reaches ofthe yellow river, referred to as "ning". it is adjacent to shaanxi in the east,inner mongolia in the north, and gansu in the south. with a land area of 66400square kilometers, ningxia hui autonomous region is the only provincial huiautonomous region in china. it was founded on october 25, 1958 and is known asthe "hometown of muslims". it has a population of more than 6 million. the huipopulation accounts for one third of the total population of the region leye: asearly as 30000 years ago, there were human reproduction, the ancient yellowriver civilization, the mysterious xixia history, the beautiful pearl on thewall, the majestic desert scenery, which was gradually understood by the worldafter the development of the western region

"the yellow river enriches ningxia" the yellow river has a total length of5464 km and flows through ningxia for 397 km. the yellow river flows intoningxia from heishan gorge of gansu province with gentle flow and wide watersurface. it has created a rich yellow river hetao irrigation area for history of diverting yellow river irrigation in ningxia has been more than20__ years. emperors of all dynasties are more concerned about water conservancyprojects a large amount of sediment and trace elements, together with ningxia'sunique geographical environment and climate conditions, ningxia's agriculturaland sideline products are also at the top, and it is also an important grainproduction base in the country

china's mountains are basically east-west, and there are two north-southmountains in ningxia. they are the famous helan mountain and liupan mountain is located at the junction of ningxia and inner mongolia. it is50-250 km long from east to west and 456 km long from north to south. helanmeans "horse" in mongolian. the great temperature difference in ningxia'sclimate sooner or later is due to helan mountain helan stone, one of the fivetreasures of ningxia, is a famous mountain in the south of ningxia liupanshan isthe last mountain that the red army crossed in the long march. because theancient road of liupanshan can reach the top of the mountain only throughliupanshan, it's named liupanshan. the great leader, grandfather mao, left hiseternal words here. qingpingle, liupanshan is known as the "oil basin" in thesouth. now it's the national tourism poverty alleviation experimental shan is under development and construction, but its beautiful scenery isstill unknown it's fascinating. these two mountains are like two brave soldiers,guarding the north and south gates of ningxia

because of the dense population and living habits of the hui people inningxia, the hui population accounts for 1 / 3 of the total population inningxia and 2 / 5 of the total population in china. the splendid hui culture andcustoms are the most attractive signs. mosques of all sizes appear in everycorner of ningxia. muslim hospitality in hui costumes comes from afar the uniquecustoms will make you forget to return. the xixia mausoleum at the foot of helanmountain is telling the rise and fall of the past. as early as 1038-1227, khanli yuanhao of dangxiang nationality established the daxia regime in e it is located in the west of the yellow river and in the northwest ofchina, it is known as the "great xia regime" xixia has existed on the stage ofhistory for 189 years. however, many people don't know the history of if there are records in some historical books, there are only a few ofthem. only xixia history is missing in 24 history, and xixia characters arecalled "unique learning" by historians. few people in the world know xixiacharacters, which was once a glorious xixia in history xia, because of whathappened, quietly withdrew from the world's attention. let's go to the xixiamausoleum and jointly decipher the mysterious country

because ningxia is located in the northwest and surrounded by threedeserts, the sandstorm in ningxia is also a precious tourism resource. the firstbatch of 5a eco-tourism scenic spots in shizuishan city, shahu, as the namesuggests, have different scenery, shahu, as the name suggests, there are sandand lake, jinsha embraces cuihu, and cuihu surrounds jinsha. the two differentstyles of scenery merge with each other, plus secretary jiang's inscription,shahu shapotou, one of the world's top 500 environmental protection units, isfamous for attracting tourists from home and abroad and creating considerableeconomic benefits for ningxia. it has its own scenery, such as sand mountains,green lakes, birds, fish, reeds and so on. however, it can not escape the praiseof tourists. shapotou, a world-class 5a environmental protection unit, has alsocast her enchanting and tender feelings on this hot land shapotou is located atthe edge of the tengger desert. the "wheat straw checkerboard sand barrier" hasblocked 43000 square kilometers of the tengger desert. it has made china's firstdesert railway pass through here. with the development and construction ofshapotou, it is also known as "the top ten most interesting places in thecountry". go to see the endless sand sea, ride a desert boat, listen to thejingle of camel bells, and look forward to the yellow river the sexy curve, themood at this time, you can only experience it when you are on the scene, a pieceof sand accompanied by a lake, a piece of sand and a river, maybe, such a placein the south of the yangtze river is the place you have been pursuing many timesin your dream!
































































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