
时间:2024-09-22 作者:储xy


感恩老师英语手抄报 感恩老师英语手抄报内容篇一

today is a special day. this grand festival is teacher's day, which is the 33rd teacher's day.


our headmasters sent chocolates and flowers to our beloved teachers on friday. in the afternoon, we wrote on the blackboard the words "teacher, you have worked hard" which moved the teachers very much.


finally, we also gave some gifts to the teacher.

感恩老师英语手抄报 感恩老师英语手抄报内容篇二

everyone says that the teacher is a gardener, and he cultivates the flowers of his motherland. the teacher is chalk. he gradually runs out of his knowledge and leaves knowledge on the blackboard. yes! teacher, you on our enze, we repay you?

lu teacher, you also like spring rain, nourishing all things, but also nourish the hearts of students.

six years, you open the door of knowledge for us, with our understanding of the old man of the old monitor, and self sacrifice; "fenglazi", not to stick at trifles; selfless work, simple life, the pursuit of truth, premier zhou; metallurgical science is rigorous, like mrs. curie fame. i met confucius again. let us understand that learning on the sour, sweet, bitter, hot in front of the exercise, try to write pile up like a mountain hand, shed bitter sweat; get success in the examination, the teacher's encouragement, shed a sweet tears; in the mid-term before, to review, remember the taste; in the meeting time, difficult read the questions on their own are not copied, cudgel thinking, taste.

soon, we have to bid farewell to the beautiful, full of memories of his alma mater, bid farewell to your classmates, stay together morning and night. (a) i can't help shedding tears when i think of it.

i remember one thing, that was when i moved school, i went to help. i remember clearly on the two floor of the library. you said a word to me. at that time, you helped to support the eye frame, smiled and said to me: "i remember, li furong's composition" beyond yourself ", that is to say, li furong feel too fat, so run fast. later, every morning i persisted in running. now, the 2 lap runs into the top four." and, as you say, make funny movements. "this composition!"! write well, surpass yourself, and turn your faults into merits. li furong, you should write your composition and stick to your contribution!"

perhaps, sir, you have forgotten about it. but you had a joke like that, i remember it forever. became my motivation for writing. although the person feel shy, but i still want to say "teacher, i thank you for this strain of" no flowers "taken care of, let me become fragrant" a kapok".

although people can not always live in memory, but i will treasure this friendship. thank you for teaching me and encouraging me!

感恩老师英语手抄报 感恩老师英语手抄报内容篇三

the birds of thanksgiving sky, because the sky let birds fly fish thanksgiving; the sea, because the sea is any fishes; flowers thanksgiving earth, because the earth as the flowers open; and i want to thank you, it is because you put me into the palace of knowledge!

you are engaged in the most brilliant career under the sun, you are the gardener — — our hard watering the flowers of the motherland; you are a candle — — used his life to illuminate us; you are to make — — life for us silently dedication.

three years, we spend together. you are honest and kindhearted. you love us as much as your own children. your good conduct affects me every minute and second. your careful instruction and sincere solicitude for us will never be forgotten!

i remember when i was out of school last summer, it was raining. my mother didn't come to pick me up in time. you were just like my mother, guarding me in the rain. you covered my whole body with my umbrella, but most of your body was in the rain. twenty minutes passed, and mom hurried, and you came back to school. look at your wet clothes and tottering steps, my throat, i really want to call out loudly: teacher, you are good!

hello, we haven't been to our class for several days. i miss you very much. the substitute teacher said you were ill, and there was an uncomfortable feeling in my mind. it is not because we don't know your disease? you need to recuperate, how much i want you to hurry up.

teacher, i will study hard, will never live up to your hard work for us. when you come back to us, i want to greet you with the best results! in the future, no matter what i can become, towering trees, wildflowers, shrubs or grass, i will not forget you, i have to use the green — of life; — thank you!


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