
时间:2024-09-28 作者:储xy



at the university of michigan, spring commencement is a festive, campus-wide event where graduates are recognized by their school or college as a group, and honorary degrees are conferred. in addition to spring commencement, which all graduates are welcome to attend, each school, college and campus hold individual ceremonies to celebrate their graduates’ of 20xx, congratulations!

i join your professors, family members and friends in expressing my utmost pride as we celebrate your accomplishments as the newest graduates of the university of michigan.

graduates, you did it!

each one of you earned a place here – and you made the most of it.

i know that for many of you, the road to get here was not easy. perhaps you traversed some potholes along the way.

i have it on the highest authority, however, that these potholes are about to be filled, and the roads are going to get fixed …

but for those of you who are first-generation students, military veterans, or from communities, cities and towns that don’t send many students to michigan – i hope you are especially relishing this day.

as members of the class of 20xx, all of you have conquered the rigors of our curricula.

you exceled in your studies, your research, your advocacy and your service. you found ways to navigate central campus, when we decided to renovate the ls&a building and the union at the same time. and you even survived a polar vortex – with not one, but two, days of canceled classes.

since we are here, you must have used that time to study.


as you slowly open your eyes,look around,notice where the light comes into your room;listen carefully,see if there are new sounds you can recognize;feel with your body and spirit,and see if you can sense the freshness in the air.

yes,yes,yes,its a new day,its a different day,and its a bright day!and most importantly,its a new beginning for your life,a beginning where you are going to make new decisions,take new actions,make new friends,and take your life to a totally unprecedented level.

in your minds eye,you can see clearly the things you want to have,the paces you intend to go,the relationships you desire to develop,and the positions you aspire to reach.

you can hear your laughters of joy and happiness on the day when everything happens as you can see the smiles on the people around you when the magic moment can feel your face is getting red,your heart is beating fast,and your blood is rushing all over your body,to every single corner of your being!

you know all this is real as long as you are confident,passionate and committed!and you are confident,you are passionate,you are committed!

you will no longer fear making new sounds,showing new facial expressions,using your body in new ways,approaching new people,and asking new questions.

you will live every single day of your life with absolute passion,and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take.

you will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your will never succumb to challenges of hardships.

you will never waver in your pursuit of all,you are the best,and you deserve the best!

as your coach and friend,i can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you,but the key to that door is in your must do your must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan;you must never quit and you must never fear.i know you must do it,you can do it,you will do it,and you will succeed!now stand firm and tall,make a fist,get excited,and yell it out:

i must do it!i can do it!i will do it!i will succeed!

saying goodbye to childhood,we step into another important time in the pace of young,facing new situations,dealing with different problems.....

everyone has his ownunderstanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of time of young is limitted,it may pass by without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too ng the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future,or the situation may be opposite.

having a view on these great men in the history of hunmanbeing,they all made full use of their youth time ,to do things that are useful to society,to the whole mankind,and as a cosquence ,they are remembered by later generations,admired by do something in the time of young,although you may not get achievements as these greatmen did ,though not for the whole word,just for youeself,for those around!

the young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when blooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers ,moet people think they are so it is the same with young,we are enthusiastic when we are young,then we may lose our passion when getting older and we must treasure it ,dont let the limitted time pass by ,leaving nothing of significance.


hello everyone!

students, guests , teachers and honorable judges

good morning !

my great pleasure to share my dream with you today。 my dream is to bee a teacher......

as the whole world has its boundaries, limits and freedom coexist in our life。 i don’t expect plete freedom, which is impossible。 i simply have a dream that supports my life。

i dream that one day, i could escape from the deep sea of thick schoolbooks and lead my own life。 with my favorite fictions, i lie freely on the green grass, smelling the spring, listening to the wind singing, breathing the fresh and cool air and dissolve my soul in nature at last。 simple and short enjoyment can bring me great satisfaction。

i dream that one day the adults could throw their prejudice of ic and cartoon away。 they could keep a lovely heart that can share sorrow and happiness with us while watching cartoon or doing personal things。 that’s the real munication of heart to heart。

i have the belief that my dreams should e true。 i am looking forward to some day ing when i am like a proud eagle, which flies to the blue and vast sky。

thank you!


my biggest dreamswe all have dreams.

different people have different dreams.

some people dream of being rich or famous, some people dream of staying young forever.

i also have a lot of dreams.

but my biggest dream is to speak beautiful you will ask me why.

because i’d like to be a volunteer for the 20xx olympics.

as a volunteer, i will meet many foreign visitors.

if i can speak beautiful english, i will be able to communicate with them better.

and i will be able to help them learn more about beijingand learn more about achieve my dream, i’ve made great efforts.

during this spring festival, i went to liyang crazy english intensive training camp in guangzhou.

i learned a lot there.

since i came back home, i’ve kept listening and speaking english on the road, on the bus, in the school and at home.

i believe practice makes the proverb says, the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

i’m sure my dream will come true in the near future.


i have been longing to be an english teacher since i was a very little girl. and five years ago, i really became a teacher, an english teacher. i was proud of myself.

since i first steeped on my platform, i have decided to be a good and successful english teacher. however, in my class, when i gave lessons to my students, filled with enthusiasm and passion, some of the students always looked so tired and sleepy. when i spent much of my time preparing for my lessons, trying my best to make my lessons vivid and interesting, the teaching effect and feedback was not that i had expected. moreover, when i was willing and eager to teach them all that i’ve learned, their abilities of english were still mediocre. i was looking for the reasons. and i was always asking myself: am i good and successful? how can i be good and successful?

there were of course many complicated reasons and factors. and in my opinion, whether i am good or not, includes many factors such as my knowledge, my personality, my quality, my methods, teaching art and so on. absolutely, to be a good and successful english teacher is not an easy job. i need to have an excellent command of english myself to make my students appreciate me and enjoy my class. i need to have the abilities to provide a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere and environment for the students’ study. i have to adopt efficient and various teaching methods to my students’ level. i need to develop my teaching art and skills. i should make full of each student’s ability and always encourage them to give them confidence. therefore, “live and learn” and “never too old to learn” have been the mottos i’ve adopted. i must improve my own abilities and skills of teaching, to keep up with the rapid development of our information age and society.

is that enough for me to be good and successful now? no, that’s far from enough.

in spite of all the above aspects of good teaching is the primary and the most important requirement: love teaching and love my students.

i’ve learned to be the students’ teacher, their elder sister, their friend, their mother and so on. i show my care and love for them. whenever they are in trouble, being sick, feeling blue or in a bad mood, i am the person that will try to take care of them, talk with them or try to help them balance themselves in good condition. i respect and trust them. when they fall in love with sb., quarrel with friends, cannot get along well with parents, etc. i’ll analyze the pros and cons, the advantages and disadvantages, and give them some opinions or suggestions. i sympathize with and understand them. when they break the rules or do something wrong carelessly, i will help them out of trouble instead of scolding them. i am always strict with them and also place high and enthusiastic hopes on them to make them be strict with themselves and be confident of themselves.

everyone needs love. love is one of the most magical and wonderful feelings in the world. teachers’ love for their students can make the impossible become possible. the love can change the disvalued into valued. the love can win the students’ love and respect in return. the love can motive the students to work hard. the love can promote the students to better and better in many ways. the love can make the students open their heart to let us know what they are doing, what they are thinking about and how they are feeling.

an english teacher is a very ordinary post, but the undertaking of english teaching is so great since there are so many english teachers dedicating to it silently and selflessly. i am proud to be one of them and i am proud to dedicate all my life to my beloved career of english teaching.


dear teacher, dear classmates:

good morning everyone! today the title of my speech is "wisdom to open the door of wisdom to open the road to success with diligence".

students, you can still remember the first time into the school scenarios?

remember the first open textbooks, joy and novelty in writing the first word? thats one small step into the gate, but it is a big step in life. life on this voyage, we sail with wisdom, hard for the pulp and began to sail to the very vast knowledge of the ocean!

our school is a treasure house of knowledge, a cultural corridor, is yuefu teachers and students, it is the cradle of talent. students, in this treasure house, the corridor and the yuefu, bathing in the morning, have you ever thought of, today the stem what? inspired by the setting sun. have you ever asked, today there are many harvest?

dickens said, "i have harvested, i planted the seeds." everyone has a chance to become a talented person, it is to see you go not to fight for this opportunity. the key to the most commonly used light, can come from diligent study, history not millions of people with their own actions to prove this statement credible?? su qin to urge their own diligent study "the first cantilever cone cigu" story, leaving the

eternal fame. kuangheng to learn, "cutting the wall to steal light"; chen yin to learn, "firefly yingxue capsule"; yang shi to learn, "li xue" and so on. they not by.

diligence and wisdom beyond their own success. to change the fate of knowledge, knowledge of life. do you also want to be like them, to work hard to acquire knowledge, improve your ability to change your life?

as mr. guo moruo said, "diligence and wisdom are the keys to success". today we should remember his words, flying their own youth, with industrious sweat paved road to success in the future. maybe we have lost at the starting line, but never let ourselves lose at the end. hard work can make up for congenital deficiency, cherish each moment, efforts to acquire knowledge. for the brothers and sisters in ninth grade, recruit exam is not very distant, facing lifes first choice, you should redouble our efforts, study hard, make adequate preparations to meet recruit exam; for our eighth graders and eighth grade is a turning point in the junior high school.

learning, we should grasp well, study hard, and constantly improve themselves; and seventh grade we dont relax. now our efforts is in learning for the future and lay a solid foundation, and only the foundations of the lay a solid foundation, the house will be built higher. students, regardless of we are in what stage of learning, we should to seize the fleeting time, take advantage of, the knowledge the gleaming gem tightly in her hand. each success to hard work and effort to succeed, they must pay the price. as bingxin said: "the success of the flowers, people only envy it present mingyan, but i do not know it had yaren, had soaked fighting leiquan, sabian a sacrifice xueyu!" indeed, not by some cold biting, which the fragrance of.

plum flowers? we are in a golden age of learning, youth, let time wasted? life can have a few back hard? life can have several youth? over the past can not be changed, the so-called black do not know diligence early, whitehead study to regret later, is the truth. only hard knowledge, enterprising, the strongest we can play the song of youth!

students, as long as we establish lofty ideals, down-to-earth study hard.

unremitting exploration, we will be able to toil and sweat to forge the beautiful life! let us study hard, i start from, start from today, let diligent sweat pouring opening flower of knowledge! let the light of wisdom illuminate our hearts! we struggle to write a youth without regret!


大家上午好!今天我发言的题目是《用智慧开启智慧之门 用勤奋开辟成功之路》。

同学们,你可还记得第一次背起书包走进学校的情景?可还记得打开第一本课本、学写第一个字的喜悦与新奇?那踏进校门的一小步,却是人生的一大步。人生的探索之旅由此启航,我们以智慧为帆,勤奋作浆,开始驶向 那无比浩瀚的知识海洋!

我们的学校,是知识的宝库,是文化的走廊,是师生的乐府,更是人才的摇篮。同学们,在这宝库中 、走廊上 、乐府里,沐着晨光,你是否想过,今天该干些什么?踏着夕阳,你是否问过,今天有多少收获?

狄更斯说过,“我所收获的,是我种下的。”每个人都有机会成为有才能的人,就看你去不去争取这个机会。常用的钥匙最光亮,才能来自勤奋学习,历史上不是有无数人用自己的`行动在证明这句话的可信吗?苏秦为了督促自己勤奋学习"头悬梁锥刺股"的故事,留下了千古学习的美名.匡衡为了学习,"凿壁偷光"; 车胤为了学习,"囊萤映雪";杨时为了学习,"程门立雪


正如郭沫若先生所说:“勤奋和智慧是开启成功大门的钥匙”。今天的我们应谨记他的话,放飞自己的青春,用勤劳的汗水铺就未来的成功之路。 也许我们已经输在起跑线上,但决不能再让自己输在终点。后天的努力可以弥补先天的不足,珍惜现在的每一刻,努力获取知识。 对于九年级的哥哥、姐姐们来说,中招考试已并不遥远,面临着人生的第一次选择,你们应该加倍努力,刻苦学习,为迎接中招考试做充足的准备;对于我们八年级学生来说,八年级是初中学习的一个转折点,我们应该好好把握,努力学习,不断提高自己;而七年级的我们也千万不要放松,我们现在的努力是在为以后的学习打下坚实的基础,只有地基打牢了,房子才会盖得更高。同学们,无论我们处在哪个学习阶段,我们都应该努力,抓住这段易逝的光阴 ,好好把握,将知识这闪光的宝石紧紧握在手中。 每一次的成功都要付出艰辛和努力,要想取得成功就必须付出代价。正如冰心所说:“成功的花儿,人们只惊羡它现时的明艳,却不知当初它的芽儿,曾浸透了战斗的泪泉,洒遍了牺牲的血雨!”的确,不经一番寒彻骨,哪得梅花扑鼻香?我们正处于学习的黄金时代,大好韶华,岂能让光阴虚度?人生能有几回拼搏?人生能有几个花季?过去的就无法改变了,所谓黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟,就是这个道理。只有勤奋求知、拼搏进取,我们才能奏响青春之歌的最强音!



learn to be a successful english learner

today we organize an english speech contestto celebrate one hundred years anniversary of the china communist party establishment. long live the great communist party of china. and to encourage you to learn english , to speak english and to be interested in english.

as for learning english. different students have different ideas. some students may ask that we are chinese, why should we learn a foreign language? some students may say that english is useless, it is only a waste of time, few people will use it in the future. some may say that i will never learn english well and i am not good at learning english and so on. in order to help you learn english well i have some suggestions.

first of all, we should know the importance of english. english is one of the most important languages in the world. it is the most widely used in the world. it has become the most common language on internet and for international trade. germans have to learn english, japanese have to learn english. koreans have to learn english. chinese have to learn english too. this is an open world , a developing world. english is one of the windows to the world. it is one of the bridges to connect the world, which makes us see the world more clearly. also english could help us to letthe worldknowchina . if we learn english well, we will have more chances to do more things, or we will be eliminated out in todays society . we should have an active attitude in learning english. this is the first step to learn english well.

secondly, practice makes perfect. it is the best habit to practice english every day. practice english anytime and anywhere. it’s a good way to improve your pronunciation by listening. practice speaking english every day. you should catch every opportunity to speak english in class. for example, read in class, answering the teacher’s questions in class, making conversations with your classmates in class , try your best to make good use of your class time. its very easy to speak english well. just open your mouth and blurt out. it’s the only good way to improve oral english. dont be afraid of making mistakes, dont be afraid of losing face . don’t worry about others’ laugh . its a secret to expand your words by reading and writing. practice reading english over and over again. youd better read and recite some good sentences or passages. write english diaries, write down some good sentences, write down some good passages. there is no shortcut, but to practice. what is a talent, its a person who repeats and practice the most. practice makes perfect.

thirdly, never give up, force ourselves to be successful in some cases. perhaps it is too hard to keep learning for some students. they may give up easily sometimes when they meet some difficulties. as long as you overcome every difficulty, you will surely grow up. everyone has laziness , flinch, some bad habits. it takes a lot of courage and determination to break laziness, flinch, bad habits. we should conquer them no matter how hard they are. we should challenge ourselves , force ourselves to be successful in some cases . there is a story. one day a litter girl had a serious illness . she must be operated on quickly . because of fear, she cried, shouted and refused. the doctor and the father had no choice but to control her , force her for saving her life. for example , if we have a cold , we have to take some medicine no matter how bitter it is. or we have to take an injection no matter how painful it is . it’s said that there will be a rainbow after astorm. never give up. perseverance means victory. force ourselves to be successful.

nothing is difficult to the man who will try. where there is a will, there is a way. it’s a piece of cake to learn english. everyone is born with the ability to learn . but whether or not you can do it well depends on your learning habits, attitudes, research shows that successful learners have active attitudes and some good habits in common. i believe that everyone will conquer english and any difficulties by using good habits, active attitudes, courage and strong determinations.

hope everyone will be successful .

that’s all, thank you !


well, welcome to the white house,everybody. and that was one of the best introductions i’ve ever had. (applause.) so we’re so proud of kiara for the introduction and for sharing yourstory, and you’re just so poised. and iknow geoff canada is just out there all excited -- (laughter) -- and proud, andi know your mom is proud. i know she is. she should be.

kiara and the rest of these youngpeople grew up in a 97-square-block section of harlem. it’s a place where the odds used to bestacked against them every single day, even just graduating from high schoolwas a challenge. but with the help ofsome very dedicated adults and a program called the harlem children’s zone,they’re right on track to go to college. together, students, teachers, administrators, parents, community, they’rechanging the odds in this neighborhood. and that’s what we’re here to talk about today -– changing the odds forevery american child so that no matter who they are, no matter where they areborn, they have a chance to succeed in today’s economy.

now, the good news is that,thanks to the hard work and sacrifice of the american people all across thecountry over the last five years, our economy has grown stronger. our businesses have now created more than 8million new jobs since the depths of the recession. our manufacturing, our housing sectors arerebounding. our energy and technologyand auto industries are booming. we’vegot to keep our economy growing. we’vegot to make sure that everybody is sharing in that growth. we’ve got to keep creating jobs, and then we’vegot to make sure that wages and benefits are such that families can rebuild alittle bit of security. we’ve got tomake sure this recovery, which is real, leaves nobody behind. and that’s going to be my focus throughoutthe year.

this is going to be a year ofaction. that’s what the american peopleexpect, and they’re ready and willing to pitch in and help. this is not just a job for government; thisis a job for everybody.

working people are looking forthe kind of stable, secure jobs that too often went overseas in the past coupleof decades. so next week, i’ll join companies and colleges and take action toboost high-tech manufacturing -- the kind that attracts good new jobs and helpsgrow a middle class. business owners areready to play their part to hire more workers. so this month, i’m going to host ceos here at the white house not once,but twice: first to lay out specificsteps we can take to help more workers earn the skills that they need for today’snew jobs; second, they’re going to announce commitments that we’re making toput more of the long-term unemployed back to work.

and on january 28th, in my stateof the union address -- which i want all the legislators here to know i’m goingto try to keep a little shorter than usual -- (laughter) -- they’re cheeringsilently -- (laughter) -- i will mobilize the country around the nationalmission of making sure our economy offers every american who works hard a fairshot at success. anybody in this countrywho works hard should have a fair shot at success, period. it doesn’t matter where they come from, whatregion of the country, what they look like, what their last name is -- theyshould be able to succeed.

and obviously we’re coming off ofa rancorous political year, but i genuinely believe that this is not a partisanissue. because when you talk to the american people, you know that there arepeople working in soup kitchens, and people who are mentoring, and people whoare starting small businesses and hiring their neighbors, and very rarely arethey checking are they democrat or republican. there’s a sense of neighborliness that’s inherent in the american people-- we just have to tap into that.

and i’ve been very happy to seethat there are republicans like rand paul, who’s here today, who are ready toengage in this debate. that’s a goodthing. we’ve got democratic andrepublican elected officials across the country who are ready to roll up theirsleeves and get to work. and this shouldbe a challenge that unites us all.

i don’t care whether the ideasare democrat or republican. i do carethat they work. i do care that they aresubject to evaluation, and we can see if we are using tax dollars in a certainway, if we’re starting a certain program, i want to make sure that young peoplelike kiara are actually benefiting from them.

now, it’s one thing to say weshould help more americans get ahead, but talk is cheap. we’ve got to actually make sure that we doit. and i will work with anybody who’swilling to lay out some concrete ideas to create jobs, help more middle-classfamilies find security in today’s economy, and offer new ladders of opportunityfor folks to climb into the middle class.

and, personally, i hope we startby listening to the majority of the american people and restoring theunemployment insurance for americans who need a little help supporting theirfamilies while they look for a new job. and i’m glad the republicans and democrats in the senate are workingtogether to extend that lifeline. i hopetheir colleagues in the house will join them to set this right.

today i want to talk aboutsomething very particular, a specific example of how we can make adifference. we are here with leaders whoare determined to change the odds in their communities the way these kids andtheir parents and dedicated citizens have changed the odds in harlem. it’s now been 50 years since presidentjohnson declared an unconditional war on poverty in america. and that groundbreaking effort created newavenues of opportunity for generations of americans. it strengthened our safety net for workingfamilies and seniors, americans with disabilities and the poor, so that when wefall -- and you never know what life brings you -- we can bounce backfaster. it made us a better country anda stronger country.

in a speech 50 years ago,president johnson talked about communities “on the outskirts ofhope where opportunitywas hard to come by.” well, today’seconomic challenges are differentbut they’ve still resulted in communitieswhere in recent decades wrenching economic changehas made opportunity harderand harder to come by. there arecommunities where for toomany young people it feels like their future onlyextends to the next street corner or theoutskirts of town, too manycommunities where no matter how hard you work, your destinyfeels like it’salready been determined for you before you took that first step.

i’m not just talking aboutpockets of poverty in our inner cities. that’s the stereotype.i’mtalking about suburban neighborhoods that have been hammered by the housingcrisis. i’mtalking about manufacturingtowns that still haven’t recovered after the local plant shut downand jobsdried up. there are islands of ruralamerica where jobs are scarce -- they were scarceeven before the recession hit-- so that young people feel like if they want to actually succeed,they’ve gotto leave town, they’ve got to leave their communities.

and i’ve seen this personallyeven before i got into politics. infact, this is what drove meinto politics. i was just two years out of college when i first moved to the south sideof chicago.i was hired by a group ofchurches to help organize a community that had been devastatedwhen the localsteel plants closed their doors. and i’dwalk through neighborhoods filled up withboarded-up houses and crumblingschools, and single parents and dads who had nothing to dowith their kids, andkids who were hanging out on the street corners without any hope orprospectsfor the future.

but these churches cametogether. and then they started workingwith other non-profits andlocal businesses. and the government -- local, state and federal -- participated. and we startedgetting some things done thatgave people hope. and that experiencetaught me thatgovernment does not have all the answers -- no amount of moneycan take the place of a lovingparent in a child’s life. but i did learn that when communities andgovernments and businessesand not-for-profits work together, we can make adifference. kiara is proof -- all theseyoungpeople are proof we can make a difference.

for the last 17 years, the harlemchildren’s zone -- the brainchild of geoffrey canada, who’shere today -- hasproven we can make a difference. and itoperated on a basic premise that eachchild will do better if all the childrenaround them are doing better. so in harlem,staff membersgo door to door and they recruit soon-to-be parents for “babycollege,” preparing them forthose crucial first few months of life; makingsure that they understand how to talk to theirchild and read to their child,and sometimes working with parents to teach them how to read sothey can readto their child and give them the healthy start that they need.

and then, early childhoodeducation to get kids learning at four years old. and then acharter school that help studentssucceed all the way through high school. and medical careand healthy foods that are available close tohome. and exercise. i was very pleased to hearthat -- michellewas very pleased to hear that -- (laughter) -- that they’ve got a strong physedprogram. and then students gettinghelp finding internships and applying to college, and anoutstanding, dedicatedstaff that tries to make sure that nobody slips through the cracks orfallsbehind.

and this is an incredibleachievement, and the results have been tremendous. today,preschool students in the harlemchildren’s zone are better prepared for kindergarten. lastyear, a study found that students whowin a spot in one of the charter schools score higher onstandardized teststhan those who don’t. in a neighborhood where higher education was oncejustsomething that other people did, you’ve got hundreds of kids who’ve now gone tocollege.

and harlem is not the onlycommunity that’s found success taking on these challengestogether. in cincinnati, a focus on education hashelped to make sure more kids are ready forkindergarten. in nashville, they’ve redesigned high schoolsand boosted graduation rates byalmost 20 percent over the past 12 years. in milwaukee, they’ve cut teen pregnancy inhalf.

every community is different,with different needs and different approaches. butcommunities that are making the most progress on these issues havesome things in don’t lookfor a single silver bullet; instead they bring together local governmentandnonprofits and businesses and teachers and parents around a shared goal. that’s whatgeoffrey did when he started theharlem children’s zone. government wasinvolved -- so don’tbe confused here, it has an important role to play. and already there are governmentresourcesgoing into these communities. but it’simportant that our faith institutions and ourbusinesses and the parents andthe communities themselves are involved in designing andthinking through howdo we move forward.

and the second thing is they’reholding themselves accountable by delivering measurableresults. we don’t fund things, we don’t start projectsjust for the sake of starting ’vegot to work. if they don’t work weshould try something else. and sometimesthose of uswho care deeply about advancing opportunity aren’t willing tosubject some of theseprograms to that test: do they work?

in my state of the union addresslast year, i announced our commitment to identifymore communities like these-- urban, rural, tribal -- where dedicated citizens aredetermined to make adifference and turn things around. andwe challenged them. we said ifyou candemonstrate the ability and the will to launch an all-encompassing,all-hands-on-deckapproach to reducing poverty and expanding opportunity, we’llhelp you get the resourcesto do it. we’lltake resources from some of the programs that we’re already doingandconcentrate them. we’ll make sure thatour agencies are working together more ’ll put in talent to help you plan. but we’re also going to hold you accountableand measureyour progress.


as you slowly open your eyes, look around, notice where the light comes into your room; listen carefully, see if there are new sounds you can recognize; feel with your body and spirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in the air。

yes, yes, yes, its a new day, its a different day, and its a bright day! and most importantly, its a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you are going to make new decisions, take new actions, make new friends, and take your life to a totally unprecedented(空前的) level。

in your mind’s eye, you can see clearly the things you want to have, the paces you intend to go, the relationships you desire to develop, and the positions you aspire(励志) to reach。

you can hear your laughters of joy and happiness on the day when everything happens as you dream。 you can see the smiles on the people around you when the magic moment strikes。 you can feel your face is getting red, your heart is beating fast, and your blood is rushing all over your body, to every single corner of your being!

you know all this is real as long as you are confident, passionate and committed!(效忠的) and you are confident, you are passionate, you are committed!

you will no longer fear making new sounds, showing new facial expressions, using your body in new ways, approaching new people, and asking new questions。

you will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take。

you will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life。 you will never succumb(屈服,屈从) to challenges of hardships。

you will never waver(动摇) in your pursuit of excellence。 after all, you are the best, and you deserve the best!

as your coach and friend, i can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you, but the key to that door is in your hand。 you must do your part。 you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan; you must never quit and you must never fear。 i know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed! now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited, and yell it out:

i must do it! i can do it! i will do it! i will succeed!

i must do it! i can do it! i will do it! i will succeed!

i must do it! i can do it! i will do it! i will succeed!


well, this is not how i expected to wake up this morning. after i received the news, malia walked in and said, "daddy, you won the nobel peace prize, and it is bos birthday!" and then sasha added: "plus, we have a three-day weekend coming up." so its good to have kids to keep things in


i am both surprised and deeply humbled by the decision of the nobel committee. let me be clear: i do not view it as a recognition of my own accomplishments, but rather as an affirmation of american leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people in all nations.

to be honest, i do not feel that i deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who have been honoured by this prize – men and women who have inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace.

but i also know that this prize reflects the kind of world that those men and women, and all americans, want to build – a world that gives life to the promise of our founding documents. and i know that, throughout history, the nobel peace prize has not just been used to honour specific achievement; its also been used as a means to give momentum to a set of causes. and that is why i will accept this award as a call to action – a call for all nations to confront the common challenges of the 21st-century.

these challenges cant be met by any one leader or any one nation. and thats why my administration has worked to establish a new era of engagement in which all nations must take responsibility for the world we seek...

some of the work confronting us will not be completed during my presidency. some, like the elimination of nuclear weapons, may not be completed in my lifetime. but i know these challenges can be met so long as its recognised that they will not be met by one person or one nation alone. this award is not simply about the efforts of my administ

tration – its about the courageous efforts of people around the world.

and thats why this award must be shared with everyone who strives for justice and dignity – for the young woman who marches silently in the streets on behalf of her right to be heard even in the face of beatings and bullets; for the leader imprisoned in her own home because she refuses to abandon her commitment to democracy; for the soldier who sacrificed through tour after tour of duty on behalf of someone half a world away; and for all those men and women across the world who sacrifice their safety and their freedom and sometimes their lives for the cause of peace.

that has always been the cause of america. thats why the world has always looked to america. and thats why i believe america will continue to lead. thank you very much.






    2023年建筑施工实习报告 实习报告字(模板六篇)














