
时间:2024-09-29 作者:储xy


我和我的电脑英语作文 电脑和我的生活英语作文篇一

the role of the computer can be big! it seemed to be a head full of wisdom. it can read the news, i can understand a lot of national affairs from the news, is really: "the sound of wind and rain reading, the sound of sound, family affairs, the world, everything concerned; it can also listen to music, relax your mood, relieve your pressure, let you have a good mood; there are also many virtual games on the computer, which can make your mind sharper. in fact, there are many functions of the computer, you can watch movies, look up information, read a book...... computer is a indispensable assistant in our life!

whenever i meet some problems in my study, i will go online to baidu to look up the correct answer. computers are so smart! like a silent teacher, leading us to swim in the ocean of knowledge.

computers can also be online shopping, as long as a finger press, do not have to go out, can get goods. last time i bought a beautiful dress online, not a day or two later, i heard the doorbell ringing, so i opened the door, it was the delivery uncle! looking at the dress, i thought to myself, online shopping is so convenient!

and computers can buy stocks! every day when the time comes, my father will open the computer on time, on the online stock market father's expression will also be ever-changing, when the stock fell, my father will be sad; when the stock rose, dad would jump for joy!

the role of the computer is so much ah! it can make us learn, it can make us relax, it can make us smarter!

我和我的电脑英语作文 电脑和我的生活英语作文篇二

i have been looking forward to having a computer. on thursday, my wish came true.

that evening, the computer installer came. i was so excited that i didn't know what to do. it's not ready yet. i can't wait to see it.

it is composed of a monitor, a main case, a stereo, a keyboard and a mouse. just like a small tv, it is also like a person, the monitor is its eyes, the main case is its brain, the black keyboard and mouse are its hands and feet.

many changes have taken place in my family life since i bought a computer. in the past, i do not know the topic is to ask my mother, sometimes my mother does not know the topic, will call to ask others, now buy a good computer on the good network do not be afraid, as long as the search in baidu will know. because computer friends join, my sister likes to come to my home to play, this weekend she slept here, because she can enjoy playing computer in my home.

the computer has become our good friend, is my father's colleague, is my mother's little helper, is my good partner.

in the future time, i think: computer and i will have a lot of stories!

我和我的电脑英语作文 电脑和我的生活英语作文篇三

recently, i have made a good friend, that is the computer.

don't underestimate the computer, for me, it can be very useful!

remember once, the teacher asked me to help her check the time difference between china and the uk, i listened to a difficult, thought: bad, how can i check the time difference abroad? to check china is ok, but the teacher insisted on asking me to check the time difference between the uk and china. i was in a hurry to think of a way, suddenly brainwave, thought, ah, there is not a computer at home, if you use it to check, it is not a small thing. after school, i like an arrow, quickly rushed home to open the computer, less than a minute, the time difference was found.

another time, i was writing a composition, but i thought for an hour also can't think of, at this time, i looked at the computer next to, ha ha, with the computer to check sample, that is not to understand the writing? . say dry dry, i open the computer, sure enough to find the model, after understanding how to write, i soon finished.

how about, the computer is very useful!

i like my computer "friend" very much.

我和我的电脑英语作文 电脑和我的生活英语作文篇四

recently, i am addicted to the computer, addicted to the composition net. write a composition and contribute every day. i earned a lot of points and exchanged gifts. but there were pros and cons -- my grades plummeted. i used to be over 95 and now i can't even get 90. so i made up my mind not to use the computer for one day. however, when the family nap, i still could not help but land the composition net...

now a lot of students are talking about me behind my back: "ah, i heard that wang zizzhao ah, before the grades in the class is famous, now the teacher training can be miserable!" "have you paid attention to wang zizhao recently? her grades have become so bad!" ...

accidentally heard the true words of my classmates, i was very sad. hiding in the toilet crying, sobbing...

when i want to turn on the computer again, i tell myself: "you still want to play! your grades have plummeted. do you want your teacher to lecture you every day? do you want your classmates to laugh at you? ..."

later, i did not go on the composition net for a month, my grades were brought up again, and the students were impressed by me. i think: learning is to be serious, the computer can play, but don't go too far, enough is enough!

finally, i not only ranked top in the class, but also got many classmates' praise for my composition. in this matter, i not only grades and composition of two things to get, i also understand a truth: everything should be enough! that's what i got!

我和我的电脑英语作文 电脑和我的生活英语作文篇五

although my home is quiet, no disturbance, but because of playing computer, my home is still some war.

on saturday, i finished lunch, ready to open the computer to play games, on the net, open the door to see, my mother in bed sleep. oh, this is a good chance.

i open the computer began i must finish the task in the computer every day, not long, my mother got up, saw me playing games, three five by two drove me away, and then on their own up the net.

i thought and thought in the room, finally came up with a good trick, pretending to look up information to play computer. i took a pen and paper to the computer room, said to my mother: "mom, this problem i will not do, i check baidu." mother is kind, sure enough to let the place, but finally added: "hurry up, so i will practice lianliankan." "i know, mother." "said the mother external push, oneself played the game.

my father came to see me playing games, also put me off, he made a task, mother saw, said: "sir, let me practice lianliankan line?" "no, i have to check the student phone." "no, i want to practice lianlian." "no, i want to look it up." "no." "no"......

suddenly, snap, the power went out and no one could play the computer.




















