
时间:2025-03-09 作者:储xy




《弱点》的英文名字其实叫《the blind side》,所以影片或许也可以叫做盲点。盲点,顾名思义,就是自己看不见的,忽略掉的东西。影片中有一个小点特别打动我,就是迈克尔的生母。迈克从小就生活在环境险恶的黑人聚居区,但一直保持着善良的本性,是因为他妈妈从小教导他,有坏事发生时要闭上眼睛,等坏事过去后再睁开眼睛,世界还是一片美好,这个生命的盲点保持了迈克的纯净。在我们社会中,我们见惯了太多的不幸,而越来越多的不幸则会让我们对生活中丑恶的事情日渐感到麻木冷漠。其实这里的盲点不仅仅是视野的盲点,更应该指的是忘记那些不好的事物,保持内心的一份纯净。








inside out does a great job illustrating plicated mental viewers through riley’s dreams, her subconscious, her imagination and the mechanics offorgetting. but beneath its traditional adventurebased storyline, its philosophy speaks to adults alike.


the_secret service_film tells the story of the little girl riley who moved to san francisco because of her fathers job change. her life is controlled by these five emotions.


riley’s story gives us an answer. human beings can be both strong and vulnerable. no twoinpiduals are identical, and no one is as straightforward as a math equation.





1. 快捷有效的教育方法。陶西收养奥赫后,观看他的第一场橄榄球赛,非常失望,内心很着急。赛后,肖恩用调料瓶当作队员来和奥赫一起商量战略和战术,这样直观形象进行引导他,他进步很快。这是的一种很快捷有效的教育方法。

2. 用“爱”和“智慧”引导孩子进步。奥赫参加训练的时候,教练总训斥他,越训斥他,他表现得越不好。这时,陶西太太走近奥赫,引导的大概内容为,你把队员看成我们陶西一家,保护其中a队员像保护肖恩一样;保护b队员像保护陶西一样,……。简短的指导后,奥赫表现很好,进步非常快。陶西太太用“爱”和“智慧”来引导奥赫,这是他进步最快的原因。而教练伯特只知要成绩,一味的训斥,结果适得其反。如今,很多家长面对孩子不佳的学习成绩,你是怎么做的呢?又取得什么样的效果呢?

3. 自己的决定,自己的人生。当奥赫有机会申请去名校读大学时,奥赫经过一番思考决定去密西西比大学。面试的时候,面试官列出一系列陶西一家利用他证据,如陶西夫妇毕业于密西西比大学,陶西一家向陶西西比捐款等等。此时,奥赫一时接受不了,痛苦后离家出走。陶西内心无比难受,静下来后内心十分担心奥赫,到处寻找他。找到奥赫后,心平气和与奥赫谈,谈话内容是这样的,帮他分析上哪所学校的利弊。经典对话内容:“我想让你做任何你想做的事情,这是你的决定,奥赫,这是你的人生。” 奥赫说:“如果我想做低贱的工作呢?”陶西回答:“这是你的决定,这是你的人生。”




this term, i have taken an elective course on western culture and enjoy movies and airwaves, and watched many films, such as “gua sha”, “my big fat greek wedding”, “a christmas carol”,” legally blonde”, “the proposal”,“friends”,“gone with the wind”. but what impresses me most is the film “gua sha”, which english name is “the treatment”.

gua sha is a movie about the difference between chinese and american culture. the story happens in a chinese family who lives in american. it mainly related the hero xu datong, who is a chinese, had struggled for 8 years, tried hard to assimilate into american culture, and he as a video games designer in st. louis had a great success and got his bosss approval and friendship. he and his wife, jian ning, son, dennis, led a happy life in america. he also brought his father from china to live here together.

one day, dennis was stomachache, the grandpa used the chinese traditional therapy to help him to scrapping, named gua sha, which leaves bright red marks on the skin. and then, once dennis had an accident and went to the hospital, the doctor saw that the scar on his back, he doubts if the children was abused at home, so he called the american children protection center, so it causes a lawsuit of child abuse. thereby, this happy family happened a series of unfortunate.

at the hearing, whatever xu datong explained to the judge and the plaintiff about gua sha, the americans always misunderstood. the opposing lawyer distorted the chinese classics” xi you ji”, and his boss point out he had hit his son on the victory meeting, these all made datong angry very much, scolding on the spot. in the court, datong loses his mind so that finally he loses custody of his son. because of the cultural difference, the father faces misunderstanding in the eyes of american. thus, it made datong break up families, and later he resigned, lost his friend and job.

later his father found the truth, went to explain that was him to gua sha for dennis, not datong, to datong’s first counsel for the defense, john, along, and decided to leave america. at the airport, the old man want to saw his grandson, so datong went to the welfare- house secretly to bring dennis to the airport to see his grandpa off. on their way back, the police found datong took dennis, datong and dennis played jokes with the followed up police cars……

john went to chinese personally to experience the chinese traditional treatment--“gua sha”, and hurried back to america to tell the accuser and the judge about his experience in it, and ask them to annul datong’s result of sentence.

in the film’s last, datong for the sake of seeing his son on christmas eve, he climbed up the pipe to the ninth floor which his son lives in santa claus dress. at last, john sent thejudiciaries rescind durance in time. and datong climbed into the house, stayed with his families together again. the end is perfect. “gua sha” is known by the american law. the family gets together at last. but the cultural difference between countries leaves us thought-provoking. in us, this is a story that repeats itself many times in the area where many oriental immigrants’ lives and all of these are due to simple misunderstanding between cultures.

the film “gua sha” is based on a chinese traditional treatment which is not well-known by most foreigners. indeed, gua sha is a treatment in traditional oriental medicine, in asia it is usually done with a coin, chinese soup spoon, slice of water buffalo horn, or even a slice of ginger. it need repeatedly scrape some acupoint in the patients skin to treat the patient’s illness. it’s very useful treatment for patient.

gua sha is a movie about the differences between chinese culture and western culture. in american law, parents shouldn’t leave child alone and can’t ill-treat their own children. if they break this law, parent may be taken to the police station, or what’s worse, their children will be separated from them. however, the family in the film gets in this trouble. these laws are good for children’s growing-up, but the rules don’t work in china. in china, parents have duties to look after their kids, including beat them the moment children don’t obey their words. in american, it’s illegal, children are protected by laws.

what’s more, the americans don’t understand the chinese traditional culture, often misinterpret, and even ignore it, so it results in many unfair for chinese.

the film has deep impression to me. i’m not only proud of the extensive and profound chinese culture, but also moved for the chinese original ethical concept. in the movie, it embodied that datong was so filial to his father everywhere, for example, for father get a green card, he admitted that was him to gua sha for his son, asked his wife not to tell the thing about dennis’s law case to the old man to avoid his worried…… and the heart between datong and jian ning was very deep, though they quarreled many times for dennis’s case. the husband’s wohlwollen to his wife, he chose to separate to let his wife to stay with dennis, and the wife’s care for the family, do the housework after work, look after the old and the young in the family……the most impressing scene to me is the ending. datong wants to see his son to climb a pipe to the ninth floor, despite his danger. datong, the grandpa and jian ning, their love to dennis, was deeply moved to everyone. the film reflects the kind to each other and loves each other in a traditional chinese family, giving expression to the great of chinese spirit.


it’s not particularly surprising to be disappointed by any puter-animated film not bearing the pixar logo. in fact, until shrek, 2001’s rollicking success, i wouldn’t have even believed it could happen. what is surprising, is that ice age doesn’t even attempt to reach pixar’s toy story heights, apparently content to revel in its status as monster’s, inc.s second rate, half wit cousin. ice age is yet another “extinction for kids” movie, one of many in a long line of baby dinosaurs, pterodactyl eggs, and sympathetic cavemen. this time, it’s the ice age, and wooly mammoths roam the earth alongside primitive man. strangely enough, in this early world, animals can talk, and humans cannot. but when a group of would-be-enemies discover a lost human baby, wooly mammoth (ray romano), saber-toothed tiger (dennis leary), and giant sloth (john leguizamo) must work along side each other in a journey to return the child to its home.

visually, ice age is perhaps the poorest bit of cgi i have ever seen.

contrasted to the beautiful constructs of monsters, inc.; or even the gooey, gloppy creativity of shrek; ice age is nothing but badly rendered polygons and acme animated characters. no hint of photo-realism here. it’s like paring a bugs bunny cartoon to the lion king. actually, i suspect that is exactly what the folks at ice age were going for.

ice age is really little more than a collection of silly animal gags and

leguizamo one liners. some of them are even quite funny. if that is all that we’re going for here, then i suppose i’m all for it. but then there are these strange attempts at gut wrenching sappiness, which fall painfully flat amidst sub-video game animation. frankly, i’m not even sure the cgi they use here is up to the task of displaying the kinds of emotions these people are trying to illicit from their characters. the humans more closely resemble totem poles than they do living, breathing, creatures. it’s laughable watching their

polygon-limited faces trying to emote in response to the story’s attempts at heartfelt, soft touches.

thankfully, the main characters are animals, which are at least bearably rendered to slapstick fun levels. as a result, what slapstick there is, is highly entertaining. sure, ray romano’s vocal talents aren’t particularly spectacular. but dennis leary and the always-odd john leguizamo cover for his mammoth ineptitude without hesitation.

the story itself is bland, boring, and uninspired, as is the almost laughably bad animation. the film’s only real saving graces are some slapstick side trips into the world of an unlucky squirrel and a group of soon-to-be-extinct

melon-hoarding dodos. ice age’s edy is worthy of bugs, but unless you’re under 5, you’ll be bored with everything else.


this film tells us a story about how a common panda becomes a real dragon warrior. 这个电影为我们讲述了一个平凡的熊猫怎么成为一个真正的龙武士的。

at the beginning,the master shifu did not believe that the panda can be a courageous dragon warrior.


through the pandas persistence,he win master shifus acceptance. 通过熊猫坚持不懈的努力,他赢得了师傅的认可。

master shifu tries his best to train the panda into a real warrior according to master wugus instruction.


finally,the panda succeeded in beating their biggest enemy -----the tiger. 最终,熊猫成功的打败了他们的最大的敌人----虎。

this movie tells us that:every difficulty can be overcome as long as you tried your utmost persistently.



this film tells us a story about how a mon panda bees a real dragon warrior.这个电影为我们讲述了一个平凡的熊猫怎样成为一个真正的龙武士的。

at the beginning,the master shifu did not believe that the panda can be a courageous dragon warrior.


through the pandas persistence,he win master shifus acceptance.透过熊猫坚持不懈的努力,他赢得了师傅的认可。

master shifu tries his best to train the panda into a real warrior according to master wugus instruction.


finally,the panda succeeded in beating their biggest enemy -----the tiger.最终,熊猫成功的打败了他们的最大的敌人----虎。

this movie tells us that:every difficulty can be overe as long as you tried your utmost persistently.



this film is based on a true story . that happened in japan in i was moved by the spirit of hachi!

no one has the ability to show his love to only one person during his whole life, let alone make friends with only one person; have the food that never changes year by year; do the same damn thing without complaining and consciousness of exhaustion. we can’t! however, what we could learn from hachi is that we should never forget the one we once loved.

in fact , some research and statistics prove that pets are more sensitive in human’s diseases than we do. hachi fetched that ball because he knew that his master would die because of his heart disease. it’s his only way to hold him back . hachi has been waiting in the weeds, waiting for his only fellow to walk him home. his hope has been floating in the breeze, carrying his loneliness and misery all above the ground. maybe professor knows, but he could never come back.





today, i watched the film changjin lake in the cinema. this film is mainly about the changjin lake battle in the war to resist us aggression and aid korea.

at the beginning of the film, the first picture is that the us military landed in incheon, opening the prelude to the korean war, and then chairman mao decided to send troops to korea.

yiyang qianxi and wu jing played the role of wu li li, who played the role of train in korea war. on the way, the train they took encountered special circumstances. it just stopped for a while and was bombarded by the . military. seeing this, i thought to myself‘ it is really not easy for the revolutionary predecessors to win in this situation. _. after five thousand miles, their troops were divided into parts and assembled at changjin lake in order to hide.

on the way, wu qianli also led his seven companies to cooperate with friendly forces to destroy the enemys signal tower. then they hid near changjin lake until they launched a general attack. there is another clip about american soldiers eating roast chicken in the military camp during thanksgiving, while volunteers ate freeze-dried potatoes, which reflects the hard work of volunteers.

finally, in the general attack, another man died to cover the troops, and then the film gradually ended.

after watching this film, i understand the hard work of the revolutionary martyrs and the hard won life today, but just as martyr yang gensi said; there are no insurmountable difficulties, no insurmountable enemies, and no insurmountable tasks.

















gongfu panda is a lazy panda, he worked in a samll shop ,one day he went to a temple to take part in a choose of the dragon contender , unexpectedly the lazy panda was choosen as the dragon contender, at first everybody doesn’t like the panda ,because he is very lazy ,a few days later the mob master die ,the panda study at the palm civet master .the panda is dragon contender!at first he doesn’t like to study anything of the gongfu, the palm civet master had no way to do with him .

a few days later palm civet master discover the panda only like one thing eating, the panda was very very like eating . for eating he can do anything, he can break xylograph and then palm civet master using eating to induce the panda study gongfu .finally the panda became a gongfu master and then he beated depravity white leopard and be the best of the gongfu master and be the first of the gongfe.

watch thei thought everybody can be the first as long as make great effortsthe movie kung fu panda looks like a kung-fu novel, in accordance with chinese-style plot development. it is mainly about a fat pandas dream to bee a master of kung fu, and a coincidental let that dream bee a reality. of course, po (the panda) has gone through a series of twists and turns before reaching success.

impressed me most is a series of chinese elements in the film, from the name we can know it is the film for chinese - kung fu and panda. it is not just kung fu and panda. there are other chinese elements in it. such as the chinese mandarin, the chinese house, acupuncture, erhu, calligraphy and so on.

of course, that it can bee north americas box office leader and could attract foreigners are not only those causes. in this film, everywhere is full of philosophical dialogues. the turtle said _there are no accidents._ pos father, described in the mysterious soup, said _to make something special, you just have to believe its special._ that i like the most is _yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. that is why its called the present._ it tells us to make good use of today.

2008 is a chinese year, kung fu panda also allow international friends to learn more about chinese culture and connotation.


thanks to the recommendation of my friends, i have seen a lot of good-looking movies recently. last week, the movie roman holiday left a deep impression on me. this is a great work in the film history.

it is really worth seeing. it can be summed up in a delightful story (which may be a spoiler tip): princess anne, one night, audrey hepburn, tired of her limited itinerary during a public tour of rome, sneaked out of her luxurious home and fell asleep on a public bench in central rome. however, she was discovered by american news reporter joe bradley.

gregory park joe took her home without knowing who she was. after the truth came out, he secretly interviewed the princess and made a lot of money. however, it was not the case.

he swam around with safety ring and had a good time with her. he forced himself to say goodbye to her because he knew between them romance shouldnt happen because their status is very different, even if they fall in love. the ending of the romantic movie really disappoints most of the audience.

although it should be imagined at the beginning, audrey hepburn successfully turns ann into a naughty, innocent angel. she orders an expensive glass of champagne without thinking. she smokes her first cigarette curiously and falls in love with a poor but kind man.

finally, she firmly returns to the place she hates because of her sense of responsibility, she is really charming and elegant, not only because of her innocent eyes and expressions, but also because of her unique personality.


罗马假日多亏了朋友们的推荐,我最近看了很多好看的电影,上周,电影《罗马假日》给我留下了深刻的印象,这是电影史上一部了不起的作品,这部电影真的很值得一看。它可以总结成这样一个令人愉快的故事(这可能是一个剧透):安妮公主,一天晚上,奥黛丽·赫本(audrey hepburn)在罗一次公开巡回演出中厌倦了自己有限的行程,她偷偷溜出自己豪华的住所,在罗马市中心的一张公共长椅上睡着了。然而,她被报纸记者乔·布拉德利发现,格雷戈里·派克·乔在不知道她到底是谁的情况下把她带回家,在出来后,他秘密采访了公主,赚了一大笔钱,但事实并非如此,他带着安环游了一圈,和她玩得很开心,他强迫自己向她道别,因为他知道他们之间的浪漫是不应该发生的,因为他们的地位相差很大,即使他们相爱了。



when i first watch this movie,i find one great problem which is the real name to this get two name for movie .one is the devil wear the parada,the other name is the queen wear the names have so many same place,but they have only one place diffierent whether is devil or my sight ,this perspective out a problem which relate to the people think the person who like miranda priestly version of a workaholic is the devil which cant be understand by normal citizen who have not ambitions and people dont have to work these eyes,enjoy life is the kingly more easliy than the freedom of anythingof this is the true meaning of by my side,i think this situation is not only in america but in whole world!nothing seek without motive!

in this movie,we can see a good deal of famius brand,likecalvin klein ,baburry,parada, name relate luxury which the more and more close to our can easy find that so many students who are 17 to 23 start have some luxury like perfume,scarf,bag,wrist watch, the time going,we begin to take photo before we eatting,shoping, luxury bee the most keep a watchful eye on movie tell that whatever man or woman all like when we face this attract thing,whether we can hold up our dream,our is a question about our ,of course,is wonderful one who has it all meaning have a happiness and a sense of ,if we can have lots of luxury by losing our love ,our friendship,our dream,our other must stop our step to think that whether the world begins to be money to cover? if the world is beginning to be fashion express nose?perhaps dazzle rich became a kind of fashion, and became a kind of

simple behind, the two are not moral conflict and bee their own evaluation is worthwhile is the thinking of human nature, and the society to deep thinking.

this is the thinking of human nature, and the society to the contemplation of the _wear the parada queen_ in noble fashion decoration, removed or small woman go home later happiness, romantic trip to france, elegant romance, and the extremely successful woman behind the counsel and poignant, these sets and plot, may let the girl of this piece is unable to stop men see it also will have a harvest, because it is a real workplace inspiring type. such as described in the film about andy plaints. in reality, we will also work to produce to plain, but plaining about before, to look at whether they know enough professional and environment, whether enough respect customer, partner ,petitors.

lets review this movie .somewhere is remain fresh in our frist one is _ugly duckling bee a ,nigel,who play a important likes a angle,because he give andy a new andy have some promove,her boyfriend said_same andy,better clothes_,but the man said _i like the old clothes._ these words reflects a truth:business and love cant and, what should choose what, and eventually give up? miranda choose the business,so she have three broken marriage ,even cant protect the last guess we can so easy find the answer:if you drop in your business,you mustt have enough time and energy to keep your love quarrel is good,i hope the same time,you drop in love,you cant have enough atention to do you s fair,absolutely i find my next opinion,what life do you want and choose?

miranda face in speed the car final test, andy or by luxuriant step appearance, beating the fashion circle, to the queen, a figure to prove she want what life was like. andy fulfilled his words: _i dont want to work in order to change myself._so what is you want?maybe someone choose the lifestyle likes the new andy,who is carrying brand bag, dressed in brand-name clothes, attend various senior party, with all sorts of dignitaries are ambiguous, and treacherous colleagues, the end still expect to be with your not all people see the bitterness of ups and light behind and the unknown pain, dont even say the order to cause the hard to forget the is fair, he give you open a door, you must give up another i choose,i have to say i would rather to bee the new my mind,if you cant bee valuable avive ,i couldnt face is said easy,but how many people can know one of the bevelive that i can stand it!

in fact,this movie adapted from a says:_efficient munication with the barbarians execution. it is very important to target reaching. communicate to efficient to what degree? superior dont have to explain, subordinates, need not too much ask a why can fix things. executive, to savage to what degree? see andy from early favour to night, no breathing, even carry things run the street will call to deal with things, the answer is in many cases, to do things like always finish the task, finish. its this kind of the attitude of the excelsior, to want to do what others pick out of your trouble, do the best, even more than others think be perfect. true, we want to try this to do some things, while his still young. dont be afraid to trouble, do not be afraid of tired, these little trouble and small hard are temporary. if we can do one thing better than others, so then we would be less hard many, will also get more people of recognition. and for us, this is a big

step in the perfect myself._

i have to say one person _miranda_.i could use my word to express this woman ,however i translate passage:miranda, in order to her fashion empire in the career, she became the devil, and bee the blind man…… because she thought it was the only one she way of life. her own heart to happiness for price, bee poor devil, but think everybody in envy her, envy her life and career; and continue to sell the drug, smoke more people of happiness. i also believe absolutely that such a blind man also thinkit is the best annotation to this my heart,i respect promiss ther is only people can over her!!!she can like the andy :step back and back, again to choose the first feelings and he had nearly lost she dream is here:the queen!!forever queen!

but seriously, the movie has some not real, i have reason to believe that the true to be like andy such person is life, a luxury and dissipation loring, the most memorable paris hall, fashion, swept through cannot leave fashion, but people more from family, love and will doubt why i made no mention of the i dont want to let us college students too much on this aspect, and its entanglements and this, still be inferior to look on the bright like a good result, more like the happy people around me in your flow performance.

thanks for angle who let me have this wonderful movies. if can provide more good movies, i would be my best wish to everyone who read this article!

good luck!!


every film is famous for a reason.

i thought for a moment and decided that maybe i should write it in english to better state my point.

the shawshank redemption is a glamourous film. every character in it is commendable.

those prisoners, innocent or not ,most of therm spent two thirds of their lives in that closed damed shawshank prison. as red said theyve become_institutionalized_. they find life meaningless outside the prison. old brook and red experienced the same outside the prison. they even thought likewise: they want to go back to _where they belong _, they cant endure the life outside, in which they find themselves useless. they want to commit a crime so that they can back and they both think of suicide. brook did commit suicide while, red with his unrealised promise to andy, choosed to live.

_get busy living or get busy dying._ being insititutionalized is terrible and awful. that is a man without his own will,without his bright life, a man of no hope.

andy crawled to light through 500 yards of shit-smelling foulness that a normal man cant even imagine. through that unbearable 500 yards, he earned his freedom. he embraced the whole bright big outside world that he had dreamed of going back to for 20 years. he smiled in the pouring rain and lightening. that moment i saw a man of his totally free will. that scene reminds me of wallace in film brave heart, at the last moment of his glorious life, sceaming out _freedom_. though he died the next moment ,he still earned his freedom, his entire eternal freedom cried out with his hope for his man,his country.

as andy said,_hope is a good thing ,maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies._ hope is what leads them to a dream of freedom and finally ,to the reality of freedom.

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