
时间:2025-02-19 作者:储xy


















embracing otherness. when i first heard this theme, i thought, well,embracing otherness is embracing myself. and the journey to that place ofunderstanding and acceptance has been an interesting one for me, and it's givenme an insight into the whole notion of self, which i think is worth sharing withyou today.


we each have a self, but i don't think that we're born with one. you knowhow newborn babies believe they're part of everything; they're not separate?well that fundamental sense of oneness is lost on us very quickly. it's likethat initial stage is over -- oneness: infancy, unformed, primitive. it's nolonger valid or real. what is real is separateness, and at some point in earlybabyhood, the idea of self starts to form. our little portion of oneness isgiven a name, is told all kinds of things about itself, and these details,opinions and ideas become facts, which go towards building ourselves, ouridentity. and that self becomes the vehicle for navigating our social world. butthe self is a projection based on other people's projections. is it who wereally are? or who we really want to be, or should be?


so this whole interaction with self and identity was a very difficult onefor me growing up. the self that i attempted to take out into the world wasrejected over and over again. and my panic at not having a self that fit, andthe confusion that came from my self being rejected, created an_iety, shame andhopelessness, which kind of defined me for a long time. but in retrospect, thedestruction of my self was so repetitive that i started to see a pattern. theself changed, got affected, broken, destroyed, but another one would evolve --sometimes stronger, sometimes hateful, sometimes not wanting to be there at self was not constant. and how many times would my self have to die before irealized that it was never alive in the first place?


i grew up on the coast of england in the '70s. my dad is white fromcornwall, and my mom is black from zimbabwe. even the idea of us as a family waschallenging to most people. but nature had its wicked way, and brown babies wereborn. but from about the age of five, i was aware that i didn't fit. i was theblack atheist kid in the all-white catholic school run by nuns. i was ananomaly, and my self was rooting around for definition and trying to plug e the self likes to fit, to see itself replicated, to belong. thatconfirms its e_istence and its importance. and it is important. it has ane_tremely important function. without it, we literally can't interface withothers. we can't hatch plans and climb that stairway of popularity, of my skin color wasn't right. my hair wasn't right. my history wasn't self became defined by otherness, which meant that, in that social world, ididn't really e_ist. and i was "other" before being anything else -- even beforebeing a girl. i was a noticeable nobody.


another world was opening up around this time: performance and nagging dread of self-hood didn't e_ist when i was dancing. i'd literallylose myself. and i was a really good dancer. i would put all my emotionale_pression into my dancing. i could be in the movement in a way that i wasn'table to be in my real life, in myself.


and at 16, i stumbled across another opportunity, and i earned my firstacting role in a film. i can hardly find the words to describe the peace i feltwhen i was acting. my dysfunctional self could actually plug in to another self,not my own, and it felt so good. it was the first time that i e_isted inside afully-functioning self -- one that i controlled, that i steered, that i gavelife to. but the shooting day would end, and i'd return to my gnarly, awkwardself.


by 19, i was a fully-fledged movie actor, but still searching fordefinition. i applied to read anthropology at university. dr. phyllis lee gaveme my interview, and she asked me, "how would you define race?" well, i thoughti had the answer to that one, and i said, "skin color." "so biology, genetics?"she said. "because, thandie, that's not accurate. because there's actually moregenetic difference between a black kenyan and a black ugandan than there isbetween a black kenyan and, say, a white norwegian. because we all stem fromafrica. so in africa, there's been more time to create genetic diversity." inother words, race has no basis in biological or scientific fact. on the onehand, result. right? on the other hand, my definition of self just lost a hugechunk of its credibility. but what was credible, what is biological andscientific fact, is that we all stem from africa -- in fact, from a woman calledmitochondrial eve who lived 160,000 years ago. and race is an illegitimateconcept which our selves have created based on fear and ignorance.

19岁的时候,我已经是富有经验的专业电影演员,而我还是在寻找自我的定义。我申请了大学的人类学专业。phyllislee博士面试了我,她问我:“你怎么定义种族?”我觉得我很了解这个话题,我说:“肤色。”“那么生物上来说呢,例如遗传基因?”她说,“thandie肤色并不全面,其实一个肯尼亚黑人和乌干达黑人之间基因差异比一个肯尼亚黑人和挪威白人之间差异要更多。因为我们都是从非洲来的,所以在非洲,基因变异演化的时间是最久的。”换句话说,种族在生物学或任何科学上都没有事实根据。另一方面,我对于自我的定义瞬时失去了一大片基础。但那就是生物学事实,我们都是非洲后裔,一位在160 0__年前的伟大女性mitochondrialeve的后人。而种族这个无效的概念是我们基于恐惧和无知自己捏造出来的。

strangely, these revelations didn't cure my low self-esteem, that feelingof otherness. my desire to disappear was still very powerful. i had a degreefrom cambridge; i had a thriving career, but my self was a car crash, and iwound up with bulimia and on a therapist's couch. and of course i did. i stillbelieved my self was all i was. i still valued self-worth above all other worth,and what was there to suggest otherwise? we've created entire value systems anda physical reality to support the worth of self. look at the industry forself-image and the jobs it creates, the revenue it turns over. we'd be right inassuming that the self is an actual living thing. but it's not. it's aprojection which our clever brains create in order to cheat ourselves from thereality of death.


but there is something that can give the self ultimate and infiniteconnection -- and that thing is oneness, our essence. the self's struggle forauthenticity and definition will never end unless it's connected to its creator-- to you and to me. and that can happen with awareness -- awareness of thereality of oneness and the projection of self-hood. for a start, we can thinkabout all the times when we do lose ourselves. it happens when i dance, when i'macting. i'm earthed in my essence, and my self is suspended. in those moments,i'm connected to everything -- the ground, the air, the sounds, the energy fromthe audience. all my senses are alert and alive in much the same way as aninfant might feel -- that feeling of oneness.


and when i'm acting a role, i inhabit another self, and i give it life forawhile, because when the self is suspended so is divisiveness and judgment. andi've played everything from a vengeful ghost in the time of slavery to secretaryof state in __. and no matter how other these selves might be, they're allrelated in me. and i honestly believe the key to my success as an actor and myprogress as a person has been the very lack of self that used to make me feel soan_ious and insecure. i always wondered why i could feel others' pain so deeply,why i could recognize the somebody in the nobody. it's because i didn't have aself to get in the way. i thought i lacked substance, and the fact that i couldfeel others' meant that i had nothing of myself to feel. the thing that was asource of shame was actually a source of enlightenment.


and when i realized and really understood that my self is a projection andthat it has a function, a funny thing happened. i stopped giving it so muchauthority. i give it its due. i take it to therapy. i've become very familiarwith its dysfunctional behavior. but i'm not ashamed of my self. in fact, irespect my self and its function. and over time and with practice, i've tried tolive more and more from my essence. and if you can do that, incredible thingshappen.


i was in congo in february, dancing and celebrating with women who'vesurvived the destruction of their selves in literally unthinkable ways --destroyed because other brutalized, psychopathic selves all over that beautifulland are fueling our selves' addiction to ipods, pads, and bling, which furtherdisconnect ourselves from ever feeling their pain, their suffering, their e, hey, if we're all living in ourselves and mistaking it for life, thenwe're devaluing and desensitizing life. and in that disconnected state, yeah, wecan build factory farms with no windows, destroy marine life and use rape as aweapon of war. so here's a note to self: the cracks have started to show in ourconstructed world, and oceans will continue to surge through the cracks, and oiland blood, rivers of it.


crucially, we haven't been figuring out how to live in oneness with theearth and every other living thing. we've just been insanely trying to figureout how to live with each other -- billions of each other. only we're not livingwith each other; our crazy selves are living with each other and perpetuating anepidemic of disconnection.


let's live with each other and take it a breath at a time. if we can getunder that heavy self, light a torch of awareness, and find our essence, ourconnection to the infinite and every other living thing. we knew it from the daywe were born. let's not be freaked out by our bountiful nothingness. it's more areality than the ones our selves have created. imagine what kind of e_istence wecan have if we honor inevitable death of self, appreciate the privilege of lifeand marvel at what comes ne_t. simple awareness is where it begins.


thank you for listening.

(applause) 谢谢。


over the ne_t five minutes, my intention is to transform your relationshipwith sound. let me start with the observation that most of the sound around usis accidental, and much of it is unpleasant. (traffic noise) we stand on streetcorners, shouting over noise like this, and pretending that it doesn't , this habit of suppressing sound has meant that our relationship with soundhas become largely unconscious.

there are four major ways sound is affecting you all the time, and i'd liketo raise them in your consciousness today. first is physiological. (loud alarmclocks) sorry about that. i've just given you a shot of cortisol, yourfight/flight hormone. sounds are affecting your hormone secretions all the time,but also your breathing, your heart rate -- which i just also did -- and yourbrainwaves.

it's not just unpleasant sounds like that that do it. this is surf. (oceanwaves) it has the frequency of roughly 12 cycles per minute. most people findthat very soothing, and, interestingly, 12 cycles per minute is roughly thefrequency of the breathing of a sleeping human. there is a deep resonance withbeing at rest. we also associate it with being stress-free and on holiday.

the second way in which sound affects you is psychological. music is themost powerful form of sound that we know that affects our emotional state.(albinoni's adagio) this is guaranteed to make most of you feel pretty sad if ileave it on. music is not the only kind of sound, however, which affects youremotions.

natural sound can do that too. birdsong, for e_ample, is a sound which mostpeople find reassuring. (birds chirping) there is a reason for that. overhundreds of thousands of years we've learned that when the birds are singing,things are safe. it's when they stop you need to be worried.

the third way in which sound affects you is cognitively. you can'tunderstand two people talking at once ("if you're listening to this version of")("me you're on the wrong track.") or in this case one person talking twice. tryand listen to the other one. ("you have to choose which me you're going tolisten to.")

we have a very small amount of bandwidth for processing auditory input,which is why noise like this -- (office noise) -- is e_tremely damaging forproductivity. if you have to work in an open-plan office like this, yourproductivity is greatly reduced. and whatever number you're thinking of, itprobably isn't as bad as this. (ominous music) you are one third as productivein open-plan offices as in quiet rooms. and i have a tip for you. if you have towork in spaces like that, carry headphones with you, with a soothing sound likebirdsong. put them on and your productivity goes back up to triple what it wouldbe.

the fourth way in which sound affects us is behaviorally. with all thatother stuff going on, it would be amazing if our behavior didn't change. (technomusic inside a car) so, ask yourself: is this person ever going to drive at asteady 28 miles per hour? i don't think so. at the simplest, you move away fromunpleasant sound and towards pleasant sounds. so if i were to play this --(jackhammer) -- for more than a few seconds, you'd feel uncomfortable; for morethan a few minutes, you'd be leaving the room in droves. for people who can'tget away from noise like that, it's e_tremely damaging for their health.

and that's not the only thing that bad sound damages. most retail sound isinappropriate and accidental, and even hostile, and it has a dramatic effect onsales. for those of you who are retailers, you may want to look away before ishow this slide. they are losing up to 30 percent of their business with peopleleaving shops faster, or just turning around on the door. we all have done it,leaving the area because the sound in there is so dreadful.

i want to spend just a moment talking about the model that we've developed,which allows us to start at the top and look at the drivers of sound, analyzethe soundscape and then predict the four outcomes i've just talked about. orstart at the bottom, and say what outcomes do we want, and then design asoundscape to have a desired effect. at last we've got some science we canapply. and we're in the business of designing soundscapes.

just a word on music. music is the most powerful sound there is, ofteninappropriately deployed. it's powerful for two reasons. you recognize it fast,and you associate it very powerfully. i'll give you two e_amples. (first chordof the beatles' "a hard day's night") most of you recognize that younger, maybe not. (laughter) (first two notes of "jaws" theme) and most ofyou associate that with something! now, those are one-second samples of is very powerful. and unfortunately it's veneering commercial spaces,often inappropriately. i hope that's going to change over the ne_t fewyears.

let me just talk about brands for a moment, because some of you run brand is out there making sound right now. there are eight e_pressions ofa brand in sound. they are all important. and every brand needs to haveguidelines at the center. i'm glad to say that is starting to happen now. (intelad jingle) you all recognize that one. (nokia ringtone) this is the most-playedtune in the world today. 1.8 billion times a day, that tune is played. and itcost nokia absolutely nothing.

just leave you with four golden rules, for those of you who run businesses,for commercial sound. first, make it congruent, pointing in the same directionas your visual communication. that increases impact by over 1,100 percent. ifyour sound is pointing the opposite direction, incongruent, you reduce impact by86 percent. that's an order of magnitude, up or down. this is ly, make it appropriate to the situation. thirdly, make it valuable. givepeople something with the sound. don't just bombard them with stuff. and,finally, test and test it again. sound is comple_. there are many countervailinginfluences. it can be a bit like a bowl of spaghetti: sometimes you just have toeat it and see what happens.

so i hope this talk has raised sound in your consciousness. if you'relistening consciously, you can take control of the sound around you. it's goodfor your health. it's good for your productivity. if we all do that we move to astate that i like to think will be sound living in the world. i'm going to leaveyou with a little bit more birdsong. (birds chirping) i recommend at least fiveminutes a day, but there is no ma_imum dose. thank you for lending me your earstoday. (applause)


in a funny, rapid-fire 4 minutes, ale_is ohanian of reddit tells thereal-life fable of one humpback whale's rise to web stardom. the lesson ofmister splashy pants is a shoo-in classic for meme-makers and marketers in thefacebook age.

这段有趣的4分钟演讲,来自 reddit 网站创始人 ale_isohanian。他讲了一个座头鲸在网上一夜成名的真实故事。“溅水先生”的故事是脸书时代米姆(小编注:根据《牛津英语词典》,meme被定义为:“文化的基本单位,通过非遗传的方式,特别是模仿而得到传递。”)制造者和传播者共同创造的经典案例。

演讲的开头,ale_is ohanian介绍了“溅水先生”的故事。“绿色和平”环保组织为了阻止日本的捕鲸行为,在一只鲸鱼体内植入新片,并发起一个为这只座头鲸起名的活动。“绿色和平”组织希望起低调奢华有内涵的名字,但经过reddit的宣传和推动,票数最多的却是非常不高大上的“溅水先生”这个名字。经过几番折腾,“绿色和平”接受了这个名字,并且这一行动成功阻止了日本捕鲸活动。

演讲内容节选(ale_ ohanian 从社交网络的角度分析这个事件)

and actually, redditors in the internet community were happy toparticipate, but they weren't whale lovers. a few of them certainly were. butwe're talking about a lot of people who were just really interested and reallycaught up in this great meme, and in fact someone from greenpeace came back onthe site and thanked reddit for its participation. but this wasn't really out ofaltruism. this was just out of interest in doing something cool.

事实上,reddit的社区用户们很高兴参与其中,但他们并非是鲸鱼爱好者。当然,他们中的一小部分或许是。我们看到的是一群人积极地去参与到这个米姆(社会活动)中,实际上“绿色和平”中的人登陆 ,感谢大家的参与。网友们这么做并非是完全的利他主义。他们只是觉得做这件事很酷。

and this is kind of how the internet works. this is that great big e the internet provides this level playing field. your link is just asgood as your link, which is just as good as my link. as long as we have abrowser, anyone can get to any website no matter how big a budget you have.


the other important thing is that it costs nothing to get that contentonline now. there are so many great publishing tools that are available, it onlytakes a few minutes of your time now to actually produce something. and the costof iteration is so cheap that you might as well give it a go.


and if you do, be genuine about it. be honest. be up front. and one of thegreat lessons that greenpeace actually learned was that it's okay to losecontrol. the final message that i want to share with all of you -- that you cando well online. if you want to succeed you've got to be okay to just losecontrol. thank you.



we are the world ,we are the future

someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. i don’t know who wrote these words, but i’ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. we are all in the position of the farmers. if we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. if we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.

we are young. “how to spend the youth?” it is a meaningful question. to answer it, first i have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind. it’s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. it’s the matter of the will. it’s the freshness of the deep spring of life.

a poet said “to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. several days ago, i had a chance to listen to a lecture. i learnt a lot there. i’d like to share it with all of you. let’s show our right palms. we can see three lines that show how our and life is. i have a short line of life. what about yours? i wondered whether we could see our future in this way. well, let’s make a fist. where is our future? where is our love, career, and life? tell , it is in our hands. it is held in ourselves.

we all want the future to be better than the past. but the future can go better itself. don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. from the past, we’ve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher. we’ve learnt that we can’t choose how we feel, but we can choose what about it. failure doesn’t mean you don’t have it, it does mean you should do it in a different way. failure doesn’t mean you should give up, it does mean you must try harder.

as what i said at the beginning, “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. the past has gone. nothing we do will change it. but the future is in front of us. believe that what we give to the world, the world will give to us. and from today on, let’s be the owners of ourselves, and speak out “we are the world, we are the future.”

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