
时间:2024-09-27 作者:储xy



multiple times in social work, cause me to understand when you need personal defying hardships to strive, cannot escape from any, brave to face it.

i have enough courage and confidence to face the challenge, complete the boss gave me each work.

for career and the future, i will pursue; for failure and setbacks, i have enough courage and perseverance to embrace life every challenge! i dare not assert that i was the best, but please believe that i will surely is the most hard! the most active! if huina, i will take every care. stepping into the 21st century china, the competition will be more and more intense, large quantities of outstanding talented person#39;s demand, enable the human resources management talent facing severe tests and will take "strives hard took aim at will attack, firm the confidence move ahead in defiance of difficulties" continue to work hard

the past does not represent the future, diligence is the real meaning, the practical work, i believe i can adapt themselves to the working environment, familiar with the business in the practical work, and keep learning, and constantly improve themselves, completes the work.

thank you!


dear so and so the leadership of:


i am xx, after graduation from high school with a childhood dream and become emei, chengdu university of traditional chinese medicine at national cheng kung university college of pharmacy 07, a student in a class. now, with the ideals of young people leaving school took to work, intending to work in marketing.

in order to become a moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic development of students, i invested in a positive learning and life. whether in the intellectual capacity or the personal qualities of self-cultivation, i have to upgrade their efforts. in teacher education and to foster the efforts of individuals, i have a solid foundation of professional knowledge: familiar with the gsp authentication technology, medicine identification techniques, pharmacology, pharmaceuticals, marketing and other drug survey of marketing technology; and familiar with the master office software, office, word skills, through an examination of the national computer. i work hard in life, steadfast, honest and trustworthy, good interpersonal relationships; modest character i cheerful, generous and prudent, strong adaptability. as a discipline in the class members, teachers and students get the confidence of a serious and responsible work, strict requirements on their own, and always follow the small boast, the principle of doing things more practical.

theory and practice well aware of the importance of, and i take full advantage of after-school time, to expand horizons of knowledge and improve the knowledge structure. in an increasingly competitive today, i firmly believe that only multi-level, all-round development and to master the professional knowledge of personnel, will be in line with social development and the needs of employers in order to remain invincible. during the summer break in the 100 letter luzhou pharmacy sales during the internship to do, to some extent from some of the varieties of drugs, specifications, storage, and the local residents, the effectiveness of commonly used drugs have a certain understanding of the situation, which develop their own communication skills and language ability when they should.

i class by virtue of unity and cooperation, the spirit of hard work in 20xx, "12.9 singing competition" in the excellence award by the group; in 20xx the festival campus tug of war, group calisthenics competitions were the first three; and 2-6 bedroom where i had were "excellent bedroom," the title. as a good concentration of a class, i feel very proud.

i enrich the mind, good health and abundant energy is eternal wealth. your choice is my hope, give me an opportunity is also a pleasant surprise you!





i have been told by ,credit manager, the business book publishing,new york, with whom i believe you are acquainted,that you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in june.i should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions.

you can see from the data sheet that is enclosed with this letter that i have had five years of varied experience in the book companies for which i have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work i did while in their employ.

my work was in the credit department in the accounting department in both companies,with some experience also in inventory control. in both positions,i have been assigned with the daily office courses taken at central commercial the bronx community college specifically prepare me for doing the accounting required in your department.

i hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to there is further information that you wish in the meantime,please let me know.i can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter.

very truly yours,


i have been told by ,credit manager, the business book publishing,new york, with whom i believe you are acquainted,that you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in june.i should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions.

you can see from the data sheet that is enclosed with this letter that i have had five years of varied experience in the book companies for which i have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work i did while in their employ.

my work was in the credit department in the accounting department in both companies,with some experience also in inventory control. in both positions,i have been assigned with the daily office courses taken at central commercial the bronx community college specifically prepare me for doing the accounting required in your department.

i hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to there is further information that you wish in the meantime,please let me know.i can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter.

very truly yours,


dear sir,

i would like to inquire about the position of laboratory research assistant in the field of biochemistry that you advertised in newspaper on december 12.

i am twenty-eight years old. in 1986 i received my m.s. in chemistry from the university of california. as a student i took many chemistry and biology courses a few of which are listed here:

general chemistry

organic chemistry

physical chemistry

biochemistry - two years

analytical chemistry - both organic and inorganic

as i was a graduate student, i worked as a research assistant for dr. john williams, professor of biochemistry, university of california. during this time i assisted dr. williams in basic research concerning the phosphates cycle in metabolism. i can supply u with a copy of the resulting paper at your request.

since my graduation i have been employed by boston university as an assistant professor. i have continued my research in this time, and several of my papers have been published in new york. my immediate superior, dr. william larson, has indicated his willingness to provide my with a reference.

i feel that i have sufficient education and experience in my background to fulfill the qualifications for your position. i hope that you will schedule me for an interview at your earliest convenience.

sincerely yours,

















在校期间,我认真学习,勤奋刻苦,努力做好本职工作,在实践中积累了大量的工作经验,使自己具有良好的身体素质和心理素质。几年来我努力学习专业知识,从各门课程的基础知识出发,努力掌握其基本技能技巧,深钻细研,寻求其内在规律,并取得了良好的成绩, 在大学里,丰富多彩的社会生活和井然有序而又紧张的学习气氛,使我得到多方面不同程度的锻炼和考验;正直和努力是我做人的原则;沉着和冷静是我遇事的态度;爱好广泛使我非常充实;众多的朋友使我倍感富有!我很强的事业心和责任感使我能够面对任何困难和挑战。







(1)explain the reasons for writing the job search letter (简明写求职信的理由)

a. your advertisement for an assistant chemist on june 30 th newspaper arouses my interest a great deal.i hope to offer my service at you company because of my following qualifications;…


reply to your advertisement in yesterday wuhan evening paper,i respectfully offer my service for the position.


c. your very attractive advertisement in yesterday changjiang daily seemde made to order for me…and me for the job.


morning china daily carried your advertisement for a computer operator at a large company.


e. ability to organize marketing campaigns to supervise employees.


f. six valuable years of experience in the retail grocery business,with both a small privately ownde chain a large corporte chain.


first -hand knowledge of all phases of the business operation.


h.i should like to apply for the position mentioned in your advertisement in changjiang daily of october 18.


ng from that you are looking for a sales manager,i should like to apply for the position.


answer to your advertisement in today hubei daily for a secretary,i wish tender my service. 贵公司在今天湖北日报上登载的招聘秘书的广告,我希望能得到这个职位。

k.i would like to apply for the position of financial director you have advertised through the personnel market on chezhan road.


(2)explain the reasons for leaving your previous employment (说明你离开以前工作岗位的理由):

reason for leaving my present employment is that i want to obtain broader experience in trading.


present i have to leave my position as my presint employer have been forced to liquidate his business.


c.i have to leave my present job because i have little change to be promoted.


only reason why i am leaving the present position is that i try to win another opportunity to better myself.


account of the discontimuance of business at the company,i left the office.


f.i would like to do with your company where the work will be more diversifiedand on a higher creative level.


present job can not offer me much chance for me to tap my potential in the field of the job you advertised on the newspaper is what i have desired to apply for ,because it offers me ……


i. there is no prospect of promotion where i am at present i would like something more challenging.


(3)express the demand for the starting salary (表示希望得到的起始薪金)

a.i hesitate to state a definite salary. but ,so long as you have requested me to do so, i should consider 1500 yuan a month satisfactory.


b.i am willing to serve on probation for some months at a small salary.


c..although it is difficult for me to determine what kind of salary level i can meet,i should consider 1000 yuan a month appropriate.


d.i am willing to start with a smal salary.


present job pays 15000 yuan a year, in additon to health benefits bonuses.i am looking to start here at 1200 yuan or above that figure with periodic inceases b

ased on performance on the job ,plus the usual benefits package. 我现在的工 作待遇除了健康保险和奖金外每年还有15000元薪金。我想在贵公司工作的起点为每月1200元或更高,然后按工作表现,定期增加工资当然还包括一般的福利待遇。

f.i should require a commencing salary of 1000 yuan a month.

我需要的薪金起点是每个月 1000元。

(4)express strong personal qualities(表达个人的特长)

resume shows my success in corrdination a busy schedule of collegiate studies,part-time jobs,and extracurricular a ctivitise. the presidency of the students union at the university provides evidence of the trait which you require for the growth of your company.


b.i have received a good education learned taking notes in english shorthand.


my summer job with a joint venture in tianjin,i gained a great deal of first -hand knowledge about foreign trade learned how to communicate with people of defferent interests backgrounds.


education has provided me with a broad background in the field of foreign trade sales promotion.


e. as a result of my experience in these two programs mentioned above, not only have a basic understanding of managerial processes, but also understand the terminology viewpoint of professionals in data processing.


f. this educational background plus my courses experience with computers certainly rquip me to be an asset to your financial management department.


g. my fluency in english french is first-rate.


(1)explain the reasons for writing the job search letter (简明写求职信的理由)

a. your advertisement for an assistant chemist on june 30 th newspaper arouses my interest a great


beloved leaders:

hello! first of all, i sincerely appreciate your taking the time in his busy schedule to read my letter of the ordinary job-seekers. i aim to apply for the the financial auditor on your company. my introduction is following.

i am a student from the department of thermal engineering in tsinghua university and i double majored in economics. our school always pay a lot attention to our ability training so that i think i can manage something a result of the baptism of four years, i think that i have a solid theoretical foundation for knowledge and professional skills.“think big and try bravely” is the motto i believed for all these student’s age. to be higher is my aim because that the sense of responsibility always forces me to act better when i get a job.

while studying at the school, in addition to my master the theoretical knowledge of the profession, but also of other elective courses, take full advantage of after-school time and school library resources, extensive knowledge of drawing a large number of extra-curricular. in my continued efforts, the top academic performance, has won various honors in rating schools, the state scholarship. at the same time to participate in the school orchestra, playing musical instruments to learn, appreciate the art of washing people, enrich my college life.

i just want to set foot on as a community college graduates, to work or lack of life experience may make you hesitate to employ me, but if you can give me a chance to do it. i will try my best to behave better. i have been convinced that the "where there is a will,there is a way" i hope you can give me a chance, your recognition will be the glory of my life!

again, thank you for reading my cover letter, no matter the outcome, please accept my heartfelt good wishes! i wish you successful work!






















